Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 42 47.6

line true false branch
25 0 48 if ($@ and not @_)
31 0 0 if $can_propagate
38 12 48 if ((reftype $_ || '') eq 'HASH') { }
42 0 48 if (not $$error{'string'}) { }
0 48 elsif ($$error{'string'} =~ s/\(\@INC contains\: (.*?)\)\s*//g) { }
43 0 0 $$error{'is_todo'} ? :
0 0 $$error{'is_bug'} ? :
56 3 45 if ${$caller[0] . '::ERROR_CALLER';}
59 0 48 if ($$error{'debug'} = ${$caller[0] . '::DEBUG';} || $$Zoidberg::CURRENT{'settings'}{'debug'})
68 48 0 if (defined $Scope)
69 0 48 ref $Scope ? :
97 0 127 if ($opt{'format'} eq 'gnu') { }
99 0 0 $$self{'scope'} ? :
0 0 $$self{'is_todo'} ? :
0 0 $$self{'is_bug'} ? :
104 0 127 $$self{'is_todo'} ? :
0 127 $$self{'is_bug'} ? :
106 127 0 unless $string =~ /\n$/
108 104 23 if (exists $$self{'propagated'} and ref $$self{'propagated'})
117 10 168 unless $file or $line
118 20 158 if (ref $self) { }