Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 98 25.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
121 0 5 @list = @{$$j{'tree'};} and goto PARSE_LIST

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
189 0 0 0 ++$$_{'completed'} and message($_->status_string)
475 105 0 0 $$self{'shell'}{'settings'}{'interactive'} and not $$self{'bg'}
483 14 0 0 $$self{'shell'}{'settings'}{'interactive'} and not $$self{'bg'}
512 6 0 0 exists $ENV{'RS'} && defined $ENV{'RS'}
553 0 90 0 $pwd and $pwd ne $ENV{'PWD'}
588 1 0 0 $op eq '>' and $$self{'shell'}{'settings'}{'noclobber'}
1 0 0 $op eq '>' and $$self{'shell'}{'settings'}{'noclobber'} and -e $f
662 0 0 0 $$self{'stopped'} and $$self{'shell'}{'settings'}{'notify_verbose'}
692 0 0 0 $$_{'id'} > $$self{'id'} and $$self{'id'} = $$_{'id'}
743 0 0 0 not $$self{'bg'} and WSTOPSIG($status) == 21 || WSTOPSIG($status) == 22
875 0 0 0 $$self{'pwd'} and $$self{'pwd'} ne $ENV{'PWD'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
358 200 200 $$self{$_} ||= []
401 0 0 $@ || 'Error'
488 0 0 $@ || 0
491 0 0 $$error{'exit_status'} || 1
580 0 0 $$self{'shell'}{'settings'}{'perl'}{'namespace'} || 'Zoidberg::Eval'
840 0 0 $$block[0]{'fd'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
209 6 0 6 ref $list[0] or $list[0] eq 'AND'
276 0 0 0 $spec eq '%%' or $spec eq '%'
357 0 200 0 $$self{'shell'} ||= $$self{'boss'}{'shell'}
373 0 129 66 $$self{'string'} ||= ($pipe ? '|' : '') . $$self{'procs'}[-1][0]{'string'}
374 0 195 0 $$self{'zoidcmd'} ||= $$self{'procs'}[-1][0]{'zoidcmd'}
375 195 0 0 $$self{'procs'}[0][0]{'env'}{'pwd'} || $ENV{'PWD'}
0 195 0 $$self{'pwd'} ||= $$self{'procs'}[0][0]{'env'}{'pwd'} || $ENV{'PWD'}
378 119 0 76 $pipe || (defined $$meta{'fork_job'} ? $$meta{'fork_job'} : 0) || $$self{'bg'}
471 105 0 0 $$self{'pgid'} ||= $pid
480 14 0 0 $$self{'pgid'} ||= $$
574 2 0 0 $n ||= $op =~ />/ ? 1 : 0
661 0 0 99 $$self{'stopped'} or $$self{'terminated'}
706 0 105 105 $$self{'stopped'} || $self->completed
743 0 0 0 WSTOPSIG($status) == 21 || WSTOPSIG($status) == 22
867 0 0 0 $status ||= $$self{'new'} ? 'New' : ($$self{'stopped'} ? 'Stopped' : ($$self{'core_dump'} ? 'Core dumped' : ($$self{'terminated'} ? 'Terminated' : ($$self{'completed'} ? 'Done' : 'Running'))))
883 0 0 0 ref $$t[$i] or $i >= @$t
888 0 0 0 $$t[$i][0]{'string'} || $$t[$i][-1]