Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
41 0 0 unless defined $bind
42 0 0 if ($bind =~ /^([^:]*):(\d*)$/)
46 0 0 if $1 ne ''
48 0 0 if $2 ne ''
57 0 0 unless $redis_cli
67 0 0 if (/^#(.*)/)
73 0 0 unless defined $topic and defined $key and defined $val
85 0 0 $redis_server ? :
96 0 0 if (/^\s*(\d*)\s+\Q$redis_server\E\ (\S+)/)
108 0 0 if ($redis_server)
111 0 0 if defined $bind
114 0 0 $? == 0 ? :
123 0 0 unless $key
126 0 0 if defined $info->{$key}