Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
50 0 0 if (defined $value) { }
56 0 0 unless exists $self->{'data'}
68 0 0 if (defined $data) { }
74 0 0 unless $self->id
84 0 0 if (my $replacement = $self->{'root'}->refof($self)) { }
104 0 0 if $self->{'root'}{'lazy'}
128 0 0 if ($self->id and $self->created) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->id) { }
0 0 elsif (@colliders = $self->collides and $colliders[0]) { }
131 0 0 if $self->{'root'}{'verbosity'}
136 0 0 unless $self->{'root'}{'lazy'}
145 0 0 if $self->{'root'}{'verbosity'}
147 0 0 if (@colliders > 1)
165 0 0 if $self->{'root'}{'verbosity'}
172 0 0 unless $self->{'root'}{'lazy'}
184 0 0 if ($self->id) { }
187 0 0 if $self->{'root'}{'verbosity'}