Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 36 95 37.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
78 0 0 0 -f $confile and -r $confile
166 0 0 0 $self->{'SSL_cert_file'} && $self->{'SSL_key_file'}
11 0 0 $self->{'use_ssl'} and not $self->{'SSL_cert_file'} && $self->{'SSL_key_file'}
169 0 0 11 not $listener_socket and ++$count < 10
284 15 3 12 /^[^_]/ and $data->{$_} != /^v/
338 0 0 9 $content_length > 0 and not eof $sock
425 0 5 4 $token && $token ne '_'
441 0 8 0 $params and ref $params ne 'ARRAY'
624 0 0 0 index($param, 'v') != 0 and index($param, 'f') != 0
0 0 0 index($param, 'v') != 0 and index($param, 'f') != 0 and not $session->get__has_ids2times({})->{$param}
682 2 0 6 ref $val eq 'ARRAY' and not tied @$val
2 0 0 ref $val eq 'HASH' and not tied %$val
795 0 0 0 not defined $self->{'DATA'}{$fld} and defined $default
1087 0 0 0 $acct and $pwh eq $acct->get__password_hash

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
43 12 0 $args || {}
0 12 $args->{'yote_host'} || ''
12 0 $args->{'yote_port'} || 8881
0 12 $args->{'lock_host'} || ''
237 0 1 $sev //= 1
267 5 6 $seen //= {}
697 1 24 $class ||= 'Yote::ServerObj'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
28 0 12 0 ref $pkg || $pkg
431 2 7 0 $obj_id eq '_' or $obj_id eq $server_root_id
9 0 0 $obj_id eq '_' or $obj_id eq $server_root_id or $id_to_last_update_time->{$obj_id}
437 1 0 8 substr($action, 0, 1) eq '_' or $action =~ /^[gs]et$/
513 6 0 12 $client_s == 0 || $server_s > $client_s || $server_s == $client_s && $server_ms > $client_ms
527 2 4 0 $methods{$ref} ||= $should_have_obj->_callable_methods
721 0 12 0 $self->{'SERVER_ROOT'} ||= $server_root
729 0 5 0 $self->{'_lockerClient'} ||= $self->{'_locker'}->client($$)
770 2 0 0 $class eq 'Yote::ServerObj' or $class eq 'Yote::Obj'
777 49 0 14 $_ =~ /^(_|[gs]et_|(can|[sg]et|VERSION|AUTOLOAD|DESTROY|BEGIN|isa|import|PKG2METHS|ISA|add_to_|remove_from)$)/ || $base{$_}
830 0 0 0 $self->_fetch_session($token) || $self->_create_session
973 0 0 0 $self->{'SESSION'} || $self->_create_session
1060 0 0 0 $class_override || $self->_acct_class