Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 100 47.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
374 2 0 3 $keep > $total / 2 && !$copy_only
629 0 0 0 $child =~ /^[0-9]/ and $self->{'_DIRTY'}{$child}
640 0 0 0 $child =~ /^[0-9]/ and $self->{'_DIRTY'}{$child}
651 0 0 0 $child =~ /^[0-9]/ and $self->{'_DIRTY'}{$child}
662 0 0 0 $child =~ /^[0-9]/ and $self->{'_DIRTY'}{$child}
673 0 2 0 $val =~ /^[0-9]/ and $self->{'_DIRTY'}{$val}
885 0 0 0 not defined $cur and defined $default
999 24 0 3 not defined $self->{'DATA'}{$fld} and defined $init_val
1348 0 0 0 not $self->EXISTS($prev_idx) and $prev_idx >= 0
1681 12455 6 2771 $_ > 0 && ref $obj_store->_xform_out($_) eq 'HASH'
2129 10 11 12 not $keep and $store->entry_count
2186 26 4 0 $cand == 1 and not $keep

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
203 0 3 $class ||= 'Yote::Obj'
1219 10 27 $item_count ||= 0
1220 13 24 $level ||= 1
1677 5557 23 $type ||= 'S'
1795 0 0 $idx_in_bucket or 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
340 0 21 0 $self->{'_WEAK_REFS'}{$id} || $class->_instantiate($id, $self)
479 0 0 0 $ref eq 'ARRAY' or $ref eq 'Yote::Array'
550 0 0 96 $class eq 'Yote::Hash' or $class eq 'Yote::BigHash'
556 101 0 0 $tied->[0] ||= $self->{'_DATASTORE'}->_get_id('ARRAY')
574 49 0 0 $tied->[0] ||= $self->{'_DATASTORE'}->_get_id($useclass)
596 0 3 0 $ref->{'ID'} ||= $self->{'_DATASTORE'}->_get_id($class)
608 4 1 0 $id //= $self->_get_id($obj)
1052 0 4 0 ref $pkg || $pkg
1057 1 3 0 $_id || $obj_store->_get_id($obj)
1217 13 24 0 $block_size ||= $Yote::ArrayGatekeeper::BLOCK_SIZE
1218 13 24 0 $block_count ||= $Yote::ArrayGatekeeper::BLOCK_COUNT
1490 3 0 0 @vals or $remove_length
1678 5557 23 0 $size ||= $Yote::BigHash::SIZE
1936 0 7 0 ref $pkg || $pkg
2014 13 5561 54 $class eq 'ARRAY' or $class eq 'Yote::BigHash'
5574 19 35 $class eq 'ARRAY' or $class eq 'Yote::BigHash' or $class eq 'Yote::ArrayGatekeeper'
2067 28 0 6 @checks or $check_store->entry_count > 0
2068 28 0 0 shift @checks || $check_store->pop->[0]