Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 57 61.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
246 11 0 1 $c->yancy->can('auth') && $c->yancy->auth->can('require_user') && $c->yancy->auth->require_user($config->{'require_user'} || ())
260 42 6 4 $config->{'openapi'} and keys %{$$config{"openapi"};}
384 0 425 175 $this_ref and $schema_name
425 175 0 $this_ref and $schema_name and $this_ref ne $schema_name
436 423 0 601 @path_params && $path_params[-1]{'name'}
518 199 0 35 not $props and $json_schema->{'x-view'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
230 0 52 $config->{'api_controller'} // "Yancy"
237 0 52 $config->{'return_to'} // "/"
374 532 0 $_->{'in'} // ""
432 2721 981 $_->{'in'} // ""
527 1640 0 $props{$prop}{'type'} ||= "string"
685 0 48 $config->{'info'} || {'title', $config->{'title'}, 'version', '1'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
205 0 52 0 $config->{'title'} //= $app->l("Yancy")
206 0 52 0 $config->{'return_label'} //= $app->l("Back to Application")
208 1 51 0 $config->{'backend'} or $config->{'schema'}
230 0 52 0 $config->{'default_controller'} //= $config->{'api_controller'} // "Yancy"
247 2 89 4 $auth_cb or exists $config->{'require_user'}
89 0 4 $auth_cb or exists $config->{'require_user'} or defined $config->{'route'}
382 0 0 426 $schema->{'$ref'} || $schema->{'items'} && $schema->{'items'}{'$ref'} || $schema->{'properties'} && $schema->{'properties'}{'items'} && $schema->{'properties'}{'items'}{'$ref'}
541 11 372 1257 $type eq 'number' || $type eq 'integer'
685 0 48 0 $config->{'host'} // hostname()