Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 62 75.8

line true false branch
644 0 54 if ($config->{'collections'})
650 1 4 if $config->{'openapi'} and $config->{'schema'} || $config->{'read_schema'}
657 0 727 if (my $backend = $c->stash("backend"))
664 4 49 if ($config->{'openapi'})
669 0 53 $config->{'model'} && &blessed($config->{'model'}) ? :
670 53 0 unless ($model)
681 53 284 $schema ? :
686 45 8 $config->{'read_schema'} ? :
736 0 1 if ref $helper eq "ARRAY"
769 0 51 if (my(@moved_keys) = grep(exists $config->{$_}, @_moved_to_editor_keys))
775 51 0 if (not exists $config->{'editor'} or defined $config->{'editor'})
792 4 0 if not $data or ref $data
800 1 178 if (my $e = load_class($class))
801 0 1 ref $e ? :
811 2 477 unless ($name)
814 14 463 if ($schema)
819 459 0 keys %$info ? :
828 4 54 if ($prop->{'format'} and $prop->{'format'} eq "password")
841 2 77 if ($prop->{'format'} and $prop->{'format'} eq "password")
881 186 78 $output ? :
885 1903 28 unless my $prop_filters = $schema->{'properties'}{$key}{$filter_type}
887 10 19 if ref $filter eq "ARRAY"
889 1 28 unless $sub
896 3 260 if (my $schema_filters = $schema->{$filter_type})
898 1 1 if ref $filter eq "ARRAY"
900 0 2 unless $sub
916 79 74 unless defined $maybe_route
917 5 69 &blessed($maybe_route) && $maybe_route->isa('Mojolicious::Routes::Route') ? :
927 1 0 unless ($err)
931 0 1 unless ($class->can("new"))
932 0 0 unless eval "package $class; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Exception'; 1"