Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 54 60 90.0

line true false branch
31 15 13 if (length $1)
42 0 177 if ($proceed)
45 25 152 if (@result) { }
46 14 11 if length $_
74 7 431 unless (s/^;//sx)
75 3 4 if (/^\s|^$/) { }
95 82 623 @pipe ? :
97 9 289 @pipe ? :
407 298 $+{'open'} ? :
99 20 685 if (not @pipe and $+{'hash'}) { }
104 622 63 defined $+{'var'} ? :
387 298 $+{'open'} ? :
109 436 188 if (wantarray) { }
112 15 173 @pipe > 1 ? :
122 1 661 if (length $_ == $prevlen and $emptycnt++)
129 3 385 unless $1 eq $close
136 37 654 $for_expr ? :
137 10 681 if (s/^ ,//sx) { }
62 619 elsif (s/^ (?=[\)\]\};])//sx) { }
143 431 188 if (s/^(?: (? $self->{'ch_etext'} (?:$self->{'ch_etext'} | :)* ) | $self->{'re_eparen'} )//sx) { }
149 431 449 if $+{'close'}
150 431 18 if (defined $+{'text'}) { }
8 10 elsif (defined $+{'paren'}) { }
156 10 439 if $+{'open'}
162 13 418 $text =~ s/^=// ? :
180 10 0 if ($+{'close'})
183 0 10 unless $+{'close'} eq $close
186 0 0 if $+{'open'}
197 20 29 if s/^\}//
198 0 29 unless s/^ ($self->{'ch_etext'}*) (?: [:,])//sx