Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 63 84 75.0

line true false branch
53 0 23 unless open $self->{'cf_FH'}, '<', $fn
79 0 64 unless open $self->{'cf_FH'}, '<', \$self->{'cf_string'}
87 245 24 if (my(@tokens) = $self->tokenize) { }
99 88 181 unless ($self->{'fh_configured'}++)
100 14 12 if (not $self->{'cf_bytes'} || $self->{'cf_string'} and $self->{'cf_encoding'})
104 0 88 if ($self->{'cf_crlf'})
112 17 252 unless defined(my $para = <$fh>)
125 0 252 if $reader->{'cf_nocr'}
126 0 252 if (my $sub = $reader->{'cf_subst'})
134 25 1175 if ($token =~ s/^(?:\#[^\n]*(?:\n|$))+//)
136 25 0 if $token eq ''
139 0 1175 unless ($token =~ s/^($cc_name*$re_suffix*) ($cc_sigil) (?:($cc_tabsp)|(\n|$))//x)
144 503 672 if ($name eq '') { }
0 672 elsif ($NAME_LESS{$sigil}) { }
146 0 503 if $sigil eq ':' and not $reader->{'cf_allow_empty_name'}
152 0 1175 if $sigil eq '#'
154 180 995 if ($CLO{$sigil})
161 547 628 if (not defined $eol) { }
168 0 628 if $sigil eq '{' and $token ne ''
178 7 245 if $ncomments and not @result
180 245 0 wantarray ? :
195 2 677 unless (defined $desc->[0])
199 626 51 if $desc->[0] ne '' or $ALLOW_EMPTY_NAME{$desc->[1]}
200 140 537 if (my $sub = $OPN{$desc->[1]}) { }
207 234 5 if (wantarray) { }
219 0 160 if defined $first and $first->[2] ne ''
223 159 278 if (not defined $desc->[0]) { }
20 258 elsif ($desc->[0] ne '') { }
224 1 158 if ($desc->[1] ne ']')
233 57 221 if (my $sub = $OPN{$desc->[1]}) { }
247 0 20 if defined $first and $first->[2] ne ''
253 19 33 if (not defined $desc->[0]) { }
7 26 elsif ($desc->[1] eq '-') { }
254 1 18 if ($desc->[1] ne '}')
261 0 7 unless (@$tokens)
267 2 5 if (my $sub = $OPN{$valdesc->[1]}) { }
5 0 elsif ($valdesc->[1] eq '-') { }
278 6 20 if (my $sub = $OPN{$desc->[1]})
293 25 0 if ((my $val = $first->[2]) =~ s/^\#(\w+)\s*//) { }
294 0 25 unless my $sub = $EXPR{$1}
304 33 0 if (not defined $_[0]) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $_[0] ne 'ARRAY') { }