Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 114 48.2

line true false branch
72 16 0 ref $this ? :
73 0 16 unless my $sub = $self->can("runas_$type")
102 0 31 if ($self->{'cf_per_role_docroot'}) { }
116 1 0 unless @dir
130 3 7 if -d $_
151 0 4 unless (defined $self->{'cf_doc_root'} or defined $self->{'cf_per_role_docroot'})
164 1 3 if ($backend = $self->{'cf_backend'} and my $sub = $backend->can('startup'))
175 0 37 if ($self->has_htdebug('env'))
180 3 34 if (my $deny = $self->has_forbidden_path($env->{'PATH_INFO'}) // $self->has_forbidden_path($env->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}))
185 34 0 if (not $self->{'cf_no_unicode_params'} and $self->{'cf_output_encoding'})
191 3 31 if ($self->{'loc2psgi_dict'} and my $psgi_app = $self->lookup_psgi_mount($env->{'PATH_INFO'}))
202 30 1 if (@pi)
205 30 0 defined $self->{'cf_doc_root'} ? :
208 0 31 if ($self->has_htdebug('path_info'))
217 0 31 if ($self->{'cf_debug_psgi'})
219 0 0 fileno STDERR ? :
0 0 if (my $errfh = fileno STDERR ? \*STDERR : $env->{'psgi.errors'})
232 1 30 unless (@pi)
236 0 30 unless (-d $realdir)
242 0 30 if ($file eq '') { }
0 30 elsif ($file eq $self->{'cf_index_name'}) { }
248 1 29 unless ($file =~ /$self->{'re_handled_ext'}/)
249 0 1 if ($self->{'cf_debug_psgi'} and $self->has_htdebug('static'))
256 0 29 unless (my $dh = $self->get_lochandler(map({untaint_any($_);} $loc, $tmpldir)))
265 17 12 $is_index ? :
277 27 2 if (not $error or is_done($error)) { }
2 0 elsif (ref $error eq 'ARRAY') { }
281 27 0 $self->{'cf_header_charset'} ? :
283 0 27 if (my(@h) = $con->list_header)
290 0 2 if ($self->{'cf_debug_psgi'})
291 0 0 fileno STDERR ? :
0 0 if (my $errfh = fileno STDERR ? \*STDERR : $env->{'psgi.errors'})
305 0 0 ref $reqrec ? :
317 0 0 if (@rest == 2 and defined $rest[-1] and ref $args eq 'HASH')
343 0 1 unless my $app = ($self->{'cf_psgi_fallback'} ||= $self->psgi_file_app($self->{'cf_doc_root'}))
352 0 2 if (my $pfx = $self->{'cf_site_prefix'}) { }
367 0 4 if defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' and not ref ${$_[0];}
375 8 39 if (not $self->{'cf_per_role_docroot'} and nonempty($env->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}) and $self->is_path_translated_mode($env)) { }
39 0 elsif (nonempty($env->{'PATH_INFO'})) { }
403 0 39 if ($self->{'cf_per_role_docroot'}) { }
448 1 1 if ($path_info =~ s[^(/~[^/]+)(?=/)][]) { }
466 0 2 if (wantarray) { }
478 0 0 if (my($user) = $path_info =~ m[^/~([^/]+)/]) { }
488 0 0 unless $self->{'allow_debug_from'}
489 0 0 unless defined(my $ip = $self->guess_client_ip($env))
496 0 0 if (defined(my $forward = $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'})) { }
513 68 0 if defined $self->{'cf_app_root'}
534 0 59 if ($self->{'cf_noheader'}) { }
545 0 59 if (my $fn = $self->{'cf_logfile'})
548 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>>', $real
553 0 59 if $self->{'cf_debug_connection'}
555 0 59 if (my $back = $self->{'cf_backend'})
559 59 0 if (my $enc = $self->{'cf_output_encoding'})
571 0 59 if $prop->{'session'}
582 0 0 unless $self->{'cf_header_charset'}
590 0 0 unless defined $name
606 0 2 unless (defined $remote_addr and $remote_addr ne '')