Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 18 0.0

line true false branch
37 0 0 if $self->{'cf_debug_lang'}
39 0 0 if (not $user and my $sub = $self->can('load_current_user'))
46 0 0 if ($lang)
47 0 0 unless $lang =~ /^\w{2}$/
50 0 0 $_ ? :
52 0 0 if (not $lang) { }
0 0 elsif (not $ck_lang or $ck_lang ne $lang) { }
54 0 0 if ($user and $sub = $user->can('pref_lang') and my $ul = &$sub($user)) { }
0 0 elsif ($ck_lang) { }