Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 49 61.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
111 4 76 14 $item and $item->isa($vfs->Folder)
167 142 123 0 ref $item and UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'YATT::Lite::VFS::Item')
212 0 0 2 defined $_ and not $dup{$_}++
279 0 15 4 defined $kind and my $sub = $file->can("declare_$kind")
361 185 32 34 my $path = $folder->{'cf_path'} and not defined $folder->{'cf_name'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
165 262 30 $dir->{'Item'} //= {}
188 213 157 $folder->{'cf_base'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
56 51 0 0 $vfs->{'cf_ext_public'} ||= $vfs->default_ext_public
51 0 0 $vfs->{'cf_ext_private'} ||= $vfs->default_ext_private
68 22 0 29 $spec->[0] eq 'data' or not $root->{'cf_path'}
148 12 0 147 $file->{'cf_path'} // $file->{'cf_name'}
167 120 0 145 ref $item and UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'YATT::Lite::VFS::Item') or $vfs->{'cf_no_auto_create'}
264 19 0 3 $file->{'cf_path'} or $file->{'cf_string'}
320 0 0 0 $folder->{'Item'}{$name} ||= $vfs->create('data', {}, 'name', $name, 'parent', $folder)
333 36 0 15 $rest{'entns'} //= $vfs->{'cf_entns'}
342 0 50 0 $vfs->{'cf_cache'}{$primary} ||= do { $rest{'entns'} //= $vfs->{'cf_entns'}; $vfs->fixup_created(\@_, $vfs->can("vfs_$kind")->()->new(%rest, 'path', $primary)) }
344 17 0 33 $rest{'entns'} //= $vfs->{'cf_entns'}