Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 73 134 54.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
118 0 0 0 defined $_[0] and not &Scalar::Util::tainted($_[0])
156 23 2 33 $item and $mark
160 147 57 49 $item && ref $item && !($mark && $$mark{&refaddr($item)}++)
185 15 12 50 $path =~ m[\G/+([^/]*)]cgsx and -e "$dir/$1"
27 0 50 $path =~ m[\G/+([^/]*)]cgsx and -e "$dir/$1" and not defined $file
199 2 0 6 $subpath =~ m[^/(\w+)(?:/|$)] and -e "$dir/$1.$default_ext"
252 105 4 31 defined $ext and -r "$base$ext"
35 41 33 $pi =~ m[^/] and -d $base
32 1 23 $use_subpath and -r (my $alt = "$dir$loc/$ixfn")
291 0 0 30 $i <= $#$a and $i <= $#$b
292 15 0 15 $a->[$i] =~ /^\d/ and $b->[$i] =~ /^\d/
352 0 0 3 defined $sub and ref $sub eq 'CODE'
370 1 276 1 wantarray and not @_
479 0 0 0 defined $name and $name ne ''
483 0 0 0 defined $formal_value and $formal_value ne ''
489 0 0 0 $type and $typeid
640 1 0 1 $con->can('raise') and my $sub = $con->can('error')
723 0 0 36 @$list and defined $list->[0]
0 4 32 @$list and defined $list->[0] and ref $list->[0] eq 'HASH'
734 0 0 0 defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
0 0 0 defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] ne ''
0 0 0 defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] ne '' and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/
763 14 22 77 defined $_[0] and $_[0] ne ''
804 14 0 12 @$item and ref $item->[-1] eq 'HASH'
14 4 8 @$item and ref $item->[-1] eq 'HASH' and not exists $item->[-1]{$child_key}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
176 27 0 $cut_depth //= 1
177 8 19 $default_ext //= 'yatt'
218 26 1 $file // ''
238 49 36 $index_name //= 'index'
239 49 36 $want_ext //= '.yatt'
262 0 23 $ext //= ''
458 0 0 $else //= ''
460 0 0 $value // ''
571 0 0 $sep // ';'
590 0 19 shift() // 1
595 4 0 $_[0] //= ''
596 0 8 $_[1] // ''
603 0 7 $layer // ''
618 0 0 $nargs // 0
632 0 0 $nargs // 0
678 168 0 $val || 1
695 0 0 $_[0] // 1
795 13 20 $params->{$k} //= []
796 1 0 ref $item || 'String'
801 13 14 $params->{$k} //= []
802 0 1 ref $item || 'String'
812 0 1 ref $item || 'String'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
51 12170 5746 0 ref $thing || $thing
382 5 0 0 $$str // $ESCAPE_UNDEF
765 0 77 0 $_[2] // ixhash()
792 21 6 62 $after =~ /^\[\]\[([^\[\]]+)\]$/ or $after =~ /^\[\](.+)$/
811 23 39 0 $params->{$k} //= ixhash()