Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 148 270 54.8

line true false branch
27 0 3596 unless defined $_[0]
32 1252 1234 if defined $item
39 59 47 if defined $_[0]
44 1091 64 ref $name_or_glob ? :
56 0 6 unless (@_ == 2)
61 0 6 unless (*{$globref;}{$kind})
73 63 6981 unless defined $symtab->{$name}
77 21 6395 unless my $sym = look_for_globref(shift(), 'FIELDS')
83 512 1001 if (not defined $_[0]) { }
353 648 elsif (not ref $_[0]) { }
646 2 elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 0 elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
84 512 0 wantarray ? :
92 0 0 wantarray ? :
99 0 0 if &$sub($_)
104 0 0 if $fn =~ s/\.(\w+)$//
111 35 0 if $fn =~ /(\w+)$/
117 271 0 unless ${^TAINT}
118 0 0 if (defined $_[0] and not &Scalar::Util::tainted($_[0])) { }
126 0 1939 &Scalar::Util::tainted($_) ? :
1939 0 if defined $_
129 0 281 if ($] < 5.014) { }
130 0 0 if (wantarray) { }
135 0 0 if $@
138 0 281 if (wantarray) { }
143 1 280 if $@
145 0 280 wantarray ? :
153 58 253 if (not exists $dict->{$name}) { }
154 3 55 $loader ? :
156 33 25 if $item and $mark
160 204 49 if (not $item && ref $item && !($mark && $$mark{&refaddr($item)}++)) { }
16 33 elsif ($refresher) { }
30 3 elsif (my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can($item, 'refresh')) { }
179 0 27 unless ($path =~ /^\Q$startDir\E/gsx)
186 31 19 if (-d _) { }
196 27 0 unless $dir =~ m[/$]
198 8 19 unless (defined $file)
199 6 2 if ($subpath =~ m[^/(\w+)(?:/|$)] and -e "$dir/$1.$default_ext") { }
1 1 elsif (-e "$dir/index.$default_ext") { }
1 0 elsif ($subpath =~ s[^/([^/]+)$][]) { }
213 0 25 unless $loc =~ s[^/[^/]+][]
231 0 58 unless -d $real
232 58 0 wantarray ? :
241 121 0 if defined $_
248 32 80 $cur =~ s/(\.[^\.]+)$// ? :
252 31 109 if (defined $ext and -r "$base$ext") { }
33 76 elsif ($pi =~ m[^/] and -d $base) { }
20 56 elsif (-r (my $fn = "$base$want_ext")) { }
23 33 elsif ($use_subpath and -r (my $alt = "$dir$loc/$ixfn")) { }
276 3 8 unless $pi =~ m[^/+$]
279 1 8 unless -r "$dir$loc/$ixfn"
289 3 0 unless defined $start
292 15 15 if ($a->[$i] =~ /^\d/ and $b->[$i] =~ /^\d/) { }
297 3 27 unless $result == 0
311 0 4 unless open my $fh, '>', \(my $buffer = '')
324 0 61 unless my $symtab = $main::main::{'DB::'}
338 0 8 if (not -e $file) { }
0 8 elsif (not -r _) { }
348 0 3 if (-d $file)
352 0 3 unless (defined $sub and ref $sub eq 'CODE')
370 1 277 if wantarray and not @_
374 8 269 if (not defined $str) { }
257 12 elsif (not ref $str) { }
5 7 elsif (ref $str eq 'SCALAR') { }
7 0 elsif (_is_escapable($str)) { }
0 0 elsif (my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can($str, 'cf_pairs')) { }
390 0 0 if (not defined $esc) { }
0 0 elsif ($esc eq '') { }
408 276 1 wantarray ? :
438 11 1 if defined $_
439 1 7 unless @result
459 0 0 unless defined $in
460 0 0 ref $in ? :
0 0 if (ref $in ? $$in{$value // ''} : $in eq $value) { }
474 0 0 unless defined(my $spec = $input_spec{$type})
479 0 0 unless (defined $name and $name ne '')
483 0 0 unless (defined $formal_value and $formal_value ne '')
489 0 0 if ($type and $typeid)
493 0 0 if ($typeid)
494 0 0 $has_sfx ? :
498 0 0 if (not $has_sfx) { }
0 0 elsif ($as_value) { }
506 0 0 if (find_value_in($in, $name, $formal_value))
507 0 0 $typeid ? :
517 0 0 if (my $sub = $in->can('param')) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $in eq 'HASH') { }
526 0 0 if (not defined $actual_value) { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $actual_value) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $actual_value eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $actual_value eq 'ARRAY') { }
543 0 0 unless defined $decode
551 0 15 unless defined $encode
570 0 0 unless ref $param
572 0 0 if (ref $param eq 'HASH') { }
582 0 0 ref $v ? :
595 4 4 ref $_[0] ? :
596 0 8 unless open my $fh, '>' . ($_[1] // ''), $fn
603 0 7 unless open my $fh, '<' . ($layer // ''), $fn
610 0 0 ref $argSpec ? :
613 0 0 if (ref $item) { }
614 0 0 if @queue
616 0 0 unless my $sub = $this->can('render_' . $prefix . $wname)
623 0 0 if @queue
628 0 0 if (ref $item) { }
630 0 0 unless my $sub = $this->can('render_' . $prefix . $wname)
640 1 1 if ($con->can('raise') and my $sub = $con->can('error')) { }
650 11 2 defined $_ ? :
651 2 7 unless my $sub = $this->can("render_$wname")
667 102 507 unless my $sym = $symtab->{'ISA'}
668 0 507 unless my $isa = *{$sym;}{'ARRAY'}
669 476 31 unless $all
687 186 43 if (my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can($obj, $method)) { }
690 9 34 wantarray ? :
700 0 0 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $_[0]) { }
0 0 elsif ($_[1]) { }
723 32 4 if (@$list and defined $list->[0] and ref $list->[0] eq 'HASH') { }
734 0 0 if defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] ne '' and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/
741 3 6 $dup{$_}++ ? :
763 36 77 unless defined $_[0] and $_[0] ne ''
766 37 40 if (ref $_[0]) { }
767 9 28 $enc ? :
768 37 0 ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
777 18 109 $enc ? :
779 65 2 if defined $k
787 2 209 unless my($k) = $name =~ /\A[\[\]]*([^\[\]]+)\]*/
792 87 122 if ($after eq '') { }
33 89 elsif ($after eq '[]') { }
27 62 elsif ($after =~ /^\[\]\[([^\[\]]+)\]$/ or $after =~ /^\[\](.+)$/) { }
796 1 32 unless ref $item eq 'ARRAY'
802 1 26 unless ref $item eq 'ARRAY'
804 8 18 if (@$item and ref $item->[-1] eq 'HASH' and not exists $item->[-1]{$child_key}) { }
812 1 61 unless ref $item eq 'HASH'