Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 108 89.8

line true false branch
19 246 518 if $retry
23 5 513 if ($+{'lcmsg'}) { }
212 301 elsif ($+{'entity'} or $+{'special'}) { }
258 43 elsif (my $path = $+{'elem'}) { }
43 0 elsif ($path = $+{'pi'}) { }
24 5 0 if ($+{'msgopn'}) { }
38 69 189 if ($+{'clo'})
40 51 18 if (defined $parent->[9] and $self->{'template'}->node_body_source($parent) =~ /(\r?\n)\Z/)
45 48 15 if (@$sink and not ref $sink->[-1] and $sink->[-1] =~ s/(\r?\n)\Z//)
56 27 162 $is_opt ? :
59 101 88 if (my(@atts) = $self->parse_attlist($_))
66 0 189 unless s[^(?/)? >(\r?\n)?][]sx
75 27 61 $is_opt ? :
88 101 if not $+{'empty_elem'} or $is_opt
76 61 101 if not $is_opt and $elem->[5]
79 118 71 $1 ? :
81 94 95 if $2
84 130 59 if $self->{'cf_debug'}
86 10 179 if ($is_opt and not $+{'empty_elem'})
90 162 27 if (not $is_opt) { }
17 10 elsif ($+{'empty_elem'}) { }
103 38 56 !$is_opt && $+{'empty_elem'} ? :
94 95 if $2
106 162 27 if (not $is_opt) { }
10 17 elsif (not $+{'empty_elem'}) { }
107 9 153 if not $has_nonspace++ and $parent
114 71 118 if (not $+{'empty_elem'}) { }
17 101 elsif ($is_opt) { }
119 0 71 $+{'empty_elem'} ? :
128 123 59 if $self->{'cf_debug'}
132 2 41 if not $has_nonspace++ and $parent
134 0 43 unless (s/^(.*?)\?>(\r?\n)?//s)
138 6 37 if $2
140 6 37 if $2
145 6 37 if ($nl)
156 472 215 if $self->{'cf_debug'}
159 1 315 if ($close and not $is_closed)
164 64 0 if ($parent and $parent->[5])
172 335 200 if ($self->add_posinfo(length $1, 1))
175 51 225 if nonspace($1) and not $$rhas_nonspace++ and $parent
179 357 178 if $self->{'cf_debug'}
188 165 56 if $self->{'cf_debug'}
191 0 137 if nonspace($1) and not $$rhas_nonspace++ and $parent
197 1 68 unless (s/^>//sx)
201 1 67 if (not defined $close) { }
3 64 elsif ($path ne $close) { }
215 5 0 if (s/^(?:\#(\w+))?\[{2,};//) { }
216 2 3 if $1
232 0 17 if ($+{'msgopn'}) { }
2 15 elsif ($+{'msgsep'}) { }
5 10 elsif ($+{'msgclo'}) { }
10 0 elsif ($+{'entity'} or $+{'special'}) { }
261 0 64 unless defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
262 1 63 unless (@{$_[0];})