Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 30 30.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 unless ($err->{'cf_error_title'})
32 0 0 if defined $msg
39 55 0 unless ($err->{'cf_error'})
42 42 0 defined $_ ? :
43 55 0 $_ ? :
44 55 0 if $err->{'cf_error_fmt'}
51 55 0 unless ($err->{'cf_error'})
58 0 0 unless ($err->{'cf_node'})
59 0 0 $err->{'cf_node_obj'} ? :
66 52 3 if $err->{'cf_node'}
67 55 0 if $err->{'cf_file'}
68 55 0 if $err->{'cf_line'}
77 0 0 if ref $err and UNIVERSAL::isa($err, 'YATT::Exception') and not $err->{'cf_error'}
87 0 0 unless ref $err and UNIVERSAL::isa($err, 'YATT::Exception') and not $err->{'cf_error'} and $err->{'cf_retry'} and ref $err->{'cf_retry'} eq 'ARRAY'
88 0 0 wantarray ? :