Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 91 92 98.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
136 44 398 91 not $props and $self->indent == 1
302 15 258 68 not $props and $self->indent == 1
592 37 2 8 $spnext and $spprev
646 697 92 97 $flow and $last->{'type'} ne "MAPVALUE"
789 73 24 $flow and $last->{'type'} ne "MAPVALUE" and $last->{'type'} ne "MAP"
682 5943 902 5 $flow and $value =~ tr/,[]{}//
726 8756 362 157 $style == 2 and not $info->{'style'}
727 133 4 20 $value =~ tr/'// and not $value =~ tr/"//
745 8486 267 522 $props and length $value
752 1103 94 50 $props and not length $value
785 1888 1316 985 $last->{'index'} == 0 and $last->{'newline'}
802 2523 89 100 $props and not length $value
915 88 5 12 $last->{'index'} == 0 and $last->{'newline'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
23 1433 748 $args{'indent'} || 2
0 2181 $args{'width'} || 80
83 135 1746 $last->{'flow'} || 0
84 763 1118 $info->{'style'} || 0
250 108 1198 $last->{'flow'} || 0
251 347 851 $info->{'style'} || 0
585 31 180 $start_with_space{$i} || 0
586 18 74 $start_with_space{$i + 1} || 0
587 12 80 $start_with_space{$i - 1} || 0
657 7152 2123 $style ||= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
251 108 90 1108 $flow or ($info->{'style'} || 0) eq 2
605 31 101 32 $sp or $spnext
659 288 155 8479 $style == 4 or $style == 5
660 8 2 343 $value =~ / \n/ or $value =~ /\n /
10 5 338 $value =~ / \n/ or $value =~ /\n / or $value =~ /^\n/
7 1 337 $value =~ / \n/ or $value =~ /\n / or $value =~ /^\n/ or $value =~ /\n$/
721 8 8 188 length $value == 1 or substr($value, 1, 1) =~ /^\s/
784 2712 1477 3839 $last->{'type'} eq "MAP" or $last->{'type'} eq "SEQ"
792 364 120 7544 $style == 4 || $style == 5
914 31 74 94 $last->{'type'} eq "MAP" or $last->{'type'} eq "SEQ"
1030 32 209 2983 $self->{'open_ended'} or not $info->{'implicit'}