Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 76 89.4

line true false branch
73 394 5304 if defined $event->{'anchor'}
74 370 5328 if defined $event->{'tag'}
76 332 5366 if ($ev eq 'document_start_event') { }
327 5039 elsif ($ev eq 'document_end_event') { }
267 4772 elsif ($ev eq 'stream_start_event') { }
260 4512 elsif ($ev eq 'stream_end_event') { }
591 3921 elsif ($ev eq 'mapping_start_event') { }
557 3364 elsif ($ev eq 'sequence_start_event') { }
588 2776 elsif ($ev eq 'mapping_end_event') { }
557 2219 elsif ($ev eq 'sequence_end_event') { }
2189 30 elsif ($ev eq 'scalar_event') { }
30 0 elsif ($ev eq 'alias_event') { }
78 182 150 unless $event->{'implicit'}
82 38 289 unless $event->{'implicit'}
92 175 416 if ($event->{'style'} and $event->{'style'} eq 2)
93 143 32 if $args->{'flow'}
102 198 359 if ($event->{'style'} and $event->{'style'} eq 2)
103 111 87 if $args->{'flow'}
139 1 29 if ($str =~ s/^\+STR//) { }
1 28 elsif ($str =~ s/^\-STR//) { }
1 27 elsif ($str =~ s/^\+DOC//) { }
1 26 elsif ($str =~ s/^\-DOC//) { }
3 23 elsif ($str =~ s/^\+SEQ//) { }
3 20 elsif ($str =~ s/^\-SEQ//) { }
5 15 elsif ($str =~ s/^\+MAP//) { }
5 10 elsif ($str =~ s/^\-MAP//) { }
4 6 elsif ($str =~ s/^=VAL//) { }
6 0 elsif ($str =~ s/^=ALI//) { }
147 1 0 if ($str =~ s/^ ---//) { }
156 0 1 if ($str =~ s/^ \.\.\.//) { }
165 0 3 if ($str =~ s/^ \&(\S+)//)
168 1 2 if ($str =~ s/^ <(\S+)>//)
177 1 4 if ($str =~ s/^ \&(\S+)//)
180 2 3 if ($str =~ s/^ <(\S+)>//)
189 1 3 if ($str =~ s/^ <(\S+)>//)
192 4 0 if ($str =~ s/^ [:'">|]//)
195 4 0 if ($str =~ s/^(.*)//)
201 6 0 if ($str =~ s/^ \*(.*)//)