Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 46 57 80.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
49 152 1 4 not $self->use_header and $self->document == 1
54 2 0 1 ref $node eq 'HASH' and keys %$node == 0
56 0 1 1 ref $node eq 'ARRAY' and @$node == 0
102 0 523 2 ref $value and not $type
267 965 493 2 ref $value and not $type
269 493 951 14 $type eq 'SCALAR' and $tag
294 396 3 26 $context == 5 and $self->compress_series
399 6 20 $context == 5 and $self->compress_series and not defined $self->{'id_anchor'}{$node_id} || $tag || $empty_hash
303 405 0 0 $self->headless and not $self->headless(0)
328 0 0 2 defined $order{$a} && defined $order{$b}
363 55 0 1 $self->headless and not $self->headless(0)
367 52 1 3 $self->inline_series and @$value <= $self->inline_series
53 1 2 $self->inline_series and @$value <= $self->inline_series and not scalar grep({/\n/ unless ref $_;} @$value)
487 2038 0 63 B::svref_2object(\$_[0])->FLAGS & 12288 && 0 + $_[0] eq $_[0]
500 2021 4 6 $self->quote_numeric_strings and &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_[0])

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
224 0 955 $ref || 'SCALAR'
255 512 954 $self->{'id_refcnt'}{$node_id} ||= 0
419 1208 958 $_[1] || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
159 23 8 463 $type eq 'REF' or $type eq 'SCALAR'
294 6 0 20 defined $self->{'id_anchor'}{$node_id} || $tag || $empty_hash