Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 22 54.5

line true false branch
84 0 10 if $args =~ /^\s+$/
93 0 10 if exists $results->{'functions'}{$function}
102 3 8 if ($argno++ == 0 and $arg =~ s/^\s*pTHX_?\s*//)
104 1 2 unless $arg =~ /\S/
111 10 0 if (my($type, $identifier) = $arg =~ /^\s*$re_type(?:$re_identifier)?\s*$/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($arg =~ /^\s*\.\.\.\s*$/) { }
117 0 10 if (not defined $arg_name and $arg_no_space ne 'void')
118 0 0 unless $is_decl
127 10 0 defined $arg_name ? :
129 10 0 if ($arg_name) { }
146 3 7 if $need_threading_context