Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 241 820 29.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
427 0 0 0 ref $nodelist and UNIVERSAL::isa($nodelist, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
437 0 0 0 ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
464 0 0 0 ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
485 2 4 0 @_ != 2 and @_ != 3
545 0 0 13 ref $nodelist and UNIVERSAL::isa($nodelist, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
554 0 0 13 ref $nodea and UNIVERSAL::isa($nodea, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
556 0 0 13 ref $nodeb and UNIVERSAL::isa($nodeb, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
558 2 1 10 $nodea->size && $nodeb->size && $nodea->[0]->isSameNode($nodeb->[0])
617 0 0 23 ref $obj and UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
630 5 6 0 @_ != 3 and @_ != 4
671 0 0 5 ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
679 0 0 1 ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
712 0 0 0 ref $node and UNIVERSAL::isa($node, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
730 0 0 7 ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
734 0 0 7 @{$nl;} and $xpath ne ''
752 0 0 0 @_ != 2 and @_ != 3
798 0 0 3 @_ and scalar(@_) % 2 == 0
802 0 0 3 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
813 0 0 2 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
824 0 0 1 @_ and (scalar(@_) + 1) % 2
828 0 0 1 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
848 0 0 1 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
860 0 0 1 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
872 0 0 2 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
884 0 0 1 ref $doc and ref($doc = $doc->ownerDocument)
910 0 0 0 ref $test and UNIVERSAL::isa($test, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList') && @$test || $test->to_literal->value
924 0 0 0 ref $nl and UNIVERSAL::isa($nl, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
939 0 0 0 ref $nl and UNIVERSAL::isa($nl, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
968 0 0 0 _is_url($f_URI) and not $is_URL
0 0 0 _is_url($f_URI) and not $is_URL and $f_URI eq 'file://' . $URI
0 0 0 not _is_url($f_URI) and $is_URL
0 0 0 not _is_url($f_URI) and $is_URL and $URI eq 'file://' . $f_URI
1028 0 0 0 ref $nl and UNIVERSAL::isa($nl, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
1032 0 0 0 $start and $end
1060 0 0 0 ref $context and UNIVERSAL::isa($context, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
1266 129 524 16 $spec and not ref $spec
1272 355 150 35 $optspec and $args[0] =~ /^--(.*)$|^:(.)$/
1289 89 451 0 defined $maxargs and @args > $maxargs
1408 0 0 0 ref $ret and UNIVERSAL::isa($ret, 'XML::LibXML::Literal')
1427 0 731 624 ref $ret and UNIVERSAL::isa($ret, 'XML::LibXML::Literal')
1619 4 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList') and $value->size == 1
1621 2 0 2 UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::Node') and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($value)
2 0 2 UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::Node') and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($value) and not exists $seen{$$value}
1651 2 3 1 UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::Node') and $doc->isSameNode($XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->owner_document($value))
1705 169 139 26 ref $res and UNIVERSAL::isa($res, 'XML::LibXML::Node')
1782 0 0 16 defined toUTF8($enc, '') and defined fromUTF8($enc, '')
1881 63 0 0 $remove_at and not ref $err
1987 0 31 66 not $no_parent and $node->parentNode
1995 21 0 45 @children == 1 and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->xml_equal($node, $children[0])
2023 0 0 0 $attr->can('isId') and $attr->isId
2037 31 0 0 not $XML::XSH2::Functions::STRICT_PWD and UNIVERSAL::can($node, 'nodePath')
2055 0 0 0 $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
2086 2098 0 0 $vars and $l =~ /\G(\$\$?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/cogs
2237 0 0 11 @XML::XSH2::Functions::stored_variables and ref $XML::XSH2::Functions::stored_variables[$#XML::XSH2::Functions::stored_variables]
2412 7 0 15 defined $file and ref $doc
7 0 15 defined $file and ref $doc and UNIVERSAL::can($doc, 'setBaseURI')
2427 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList') and $value->size == 1
2429 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::Document') and $value->isSameNode($doc)
2479 9 0 0 $$opts{'no-' . $o} and $opts->{$o}
2505 1 0 0 $source eq 'file' and not _is_absolute($file)
2630 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_xinclude_end($node) && $nested == 0 && $expanded
0 0 0 $node and not $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_xinclude_end($node) && $nested == 0 && $expanded
2639 0 0 0 not $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_xinclude_start($child)
0 0 0 $xinc{'parse'} ne 'text' and $elements == 0
0 0 0 $xinc{'parse'} ne 'xml' and $elements > 1
0 0 0 $xinc{'parse'} eq 'text' and $elements > 0
2680 0 0 4 $doc and not defined $version
2682 0 0 4 $doc and not defined $enc
2735 0 0 0 $$opts{'no-' . $o} and $opts->{$o}
2765 0 0 0 $format eq 'html' and $opts->{'subtree'}
2797 0 0 0 $target ne 'string' && lc($enc) =~ /^utf-?8$/i
2817 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->doc_encoding($doc) eq '' && lc $enc eq 'utf-8'
0 0 0 lc $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->doc_encoding($doc) ne lc $enc and not $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->doc_encoding($doc) eq '' && lc $enc eq 'utf-8'
2918 0 26 38 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node)
26 38 0 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) and $folding
64 0 0 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) and $folding and $node->hasAttributeNS($XML::XSH2::xshNS, 'fold')
2927 33 0 31 $depth < 0 and $folding == 0
0 15 18 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node)
15 11 7 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) and $depth == 0
0 22 4 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node)
22 4 0 ref $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node) and $depth == 0
2942 0 0 4 $node->can('getVersion') and $node->can('getEncoding')
2964 33 0 0 $opts->{'noindent'} and $opts->{'indent'}
2973 0 0 0 $opts->{'fold'} && ($XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node)) && $node->findvalue("count(.//\@*[local-name()='fold' and namespace-uri()='$XML::XSH2::xshNS'])")
2987 0 0 0 $opts->{'registered'} && $exp eq ''
3036 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) and $node->hasAttributeNS($XML::XSH2::xshNS, 'fold')
3188 0 0 10 $node->can('setData') and $node->can('getData')
3201 0 0 0 $n->parentNode and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($n->parentNode)
3303 13 0 1 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node) and $old_name ne $name
13 1 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node) and $old_name ne $name and $node->getOwnerElement->hasAttributeNS($ns || $node->namespaceURI, $name)
3311 14 0 0 defined $ns and $node->nodeName =~ /^([^:]+):(.*)$/
3357 27 45 25 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) and not $node->hasChildNodes
3361 0 25 0 $ns eq '' and $prefix ne ''
3504 0 0 0 $node and not $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($node)
0 0 0 $node and not $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($node) and not $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node)
3508 0 0 0 $node && !$XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($node)
3523 0 0 0 defined $declaredURI and $declaredURI eq $uri
3546 0 0 0 defined $declaredURI and $declaredURI ne $uri
3557 0 0 0 $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node)
3570 0 0 0 $node and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node)
3589 3 5 0 ref $value and UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')
3594 0 0 0 $node->parentNode and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($node->parentNode)
3659 0 3 0 $ns eq '' and name_prefix($name) ne ''
3666 3 0 0 $where eq 'replace' and $name ne $dest->getName
3746 0 2 0 $ns eq '' and name_prefix($node->getName) ne ''
3809 7 9 0 $where =~ /^(?:into|append|prepend)$/ and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($dest) || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($node)
3816 7 0 0 $where eq 'replace' and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node)
3838 0 0 0 $ns eq '' and name_prefix($node->getName) ne ''
3917 25 0 0 $prefix ne '' and $ns eq ''
3920 0 0 25 $dest and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($dest)
3924 0 0 25 $prefix eq '' and $ns eq ''
0 25 0 $prefix eq '' and $ns eq '' and $dest->lookupNamespaceURI(undef) ne ''
3941 20 0 0 $ns ne '' and $_->[0] =~ /^\Q$prefix\E:/
3965 20 0 0 $_->[0] eq "xmlns:$prefix" and $_->[1] eq $ns
3978 106 0 0 $str eq '' and not $type =~ /text|cdata|comment/
3988 5 0 0 $_->[0] =~ /^([^:]+):/ and $1 ne 'xmlns'
4012 0 3 0 $1 ne '' and $ns eq ''
4021 22 0 0 $elt =~ /^([^:]+):/ and $1 ne 'xmlns'
4158 0 0 0 $replacement eq '' and not $opts->{'allow-empty'}
4283 1 0 1 $opts->{'preserve-order'} && $where =~ /^(after|prepend)$/
4304 11 0 2 $opts->{'preserve-order'} and $where =~ /^(after|prepend)$/
4323 11 0 11 ref(my $fp = shift @$fl) and ref(my $tp = shift @$tl)
4434 25 9 4 $skip_ws and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($next)
34 0 4 $skip_ws and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($next) and $next->getData =~ /^\s*$/
29 4 1 $skip_comments and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($next)
25 6 2 $skip_pi and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($next)
4497 0 0 13 $node->parentNode and $end_node->parentNode
4662 2 0 0 exists $opts->{'public'} ne '' and not $opts->{'dtd'}
4784 0 0 0 defined $public || defined $system and not defined $root
4885 6 2 0 $sibling and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($sibling)
8 0 0 $sibling and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($sibling) and $sibling->getData =~ /^\s+$/
5023 366 667 0 not $trapsignals and $err =~ /^SIGINT|^SIGPIPE/
5134 0 0 15 run_commands($command) && $result
5136 15 0 14 ref $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'XML::XSH2::Internal::LoopTerminatingException')
5137 0 14 0 $@->label =~ /^(?:next|last|redo)$/ and $@->[1] > 1
5172 6 0 0 ref $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'XML::XSH2::Internal::UncatchableException')
5180 0 0 6 ref $var and @{$var;} > 1
5230 82 0 218 defined $size and defined $pos
82 0 218 defined $size and defined $pos and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xpc->can('setContextSize')
5261 43 0 14 ref $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'XML::XSH2::Internal::LoopTerminatingException')
5262 0 14 0 $@->label =~ /^(?:next|last|redo)$/ and $@->[1] > 1
5375 0 0 0 ref $st and UNIVERSAL::isa($st, 'XML::LibXSLT::Stylesheet')
5441 0 0 0 $xupdate_doc and $doc
5500 254 0 0 ref $err and UNIVERSAL::isa($err, 'XML::XSH2::Internal::SubTerminatingException')
5556 0 0 0 -f $file and open my $f, "$file"
5574 0 0 0 $conditionally && $XML::XSH2::Functions::_includes{$f}
5651 4 0 0 ref $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'XML::XSH2::Internal::LoopTerminatingException')
5652 0 0 0 $@->label =~ /^(?:next|redo)$/ and $@->[1] > 1
5691 0 2 0 $opts->{'no-output'} and grep /^output-/, keys %$opts
5828 0 0 0 ref $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'XML::XSH2::Internal::LoopTerminatingException')
5829 0 0 0 $@->label =~ /^(?:next|last|redo|prev)$/ and $@->[1] > 1
6065 0 0 0 wantarray and ref $r
0 0 0 wantarray and ref $r and UNIVERSAL::isa($r, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
474 0 0 $node->baseURI || ''
1083 0 0 get_validation() || '0'
1084 0 0 get_recovering() || '0'
1085 0 0 get_expand_entities() || '0'
1086 0 0 get_expand_xinclude() || '0'
1087 0 0 get_keep_blanks() || '0'
1088 0 0 get_pedantic_parser() || '0'
1089 0 0 get_load_ext_dtd() || '0'
1090 0 0 get_complete_attributes() || '0'
1091 0 0 get_indent() || '0'
1092 0 0 get_empty_tags() || '0'
1093 0 0 get_skip_dtd() || '0'
1098 0 0 get_cdonopen() || '0'
1101 0 0 get_xpath_completion() || '0'
1248 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::DUMP || die("Can't dump parse tree to '$XML::XSH2::Functions::DUMP': $!")
2532 0 0 "$file|" || die("Can't open pipe: $!\n")
2618 0 0 $xinc{'parse'} ||= 'xml'
2719 0 0 $exp ||= '.'
2782 0 0 $opts->{'encoding'} || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->doc_encoding($doc) || 'utf-8'
2802 0 0 $file || die("Cannot open file $file\n")
2807 0 0 "| $file" || die("Cannot open pipe to $file\n")
2834 0 0 "| $file" || die("Cannot open pipe to $file\n")
2867 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->doc_encoding($doc) || 'utf-8'
3047 0 0 $exp ||= '.'
5069 20 0 open2('>&O', $P, $pipe) || die("cannot open pipe $pipe\n")
5700 0 2 $opts->{'output-string'} || $opts->{'output-pipe'} || $opts->{'output-file'} || undef
5702 0 0 $opts->{'input-string'} || $opts->{'input-pipe'} || $opts->{'input-file'} || '-'
5705 0 0 '>' . $output || die('Cannot open output file ' . $output . "\n")
5712 0 0 '| ' . $output || die('Cannot open pipe to ' . $output . "\n")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
203 14 5 7 $t eq '' or $t eq 'exp'
451 0 0 0 @_ > 2 or @_ == 0
499 0 0 7 @_ < 2 or @_ > 3
706 0 0 0 @_ == 0 or @_ > 4
880 0 0 1 not @_ or @_ > 2
910 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($test, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList') && @$test || $test->to_literal->value
0 0 0 ref $test and UNIVERSAL::isa($test, 'XML::LibXML::NodeList') && @$test || $test->to_literal->value or $test
968 0 0 0 _is_url($f_URI) and not $is_URL and $f_URI eq 'file://' . $URI or not _is_url($f_URI) and $is_URL and $URI eq 'file://' . $f_URI
1052 0 0 0 @_ < 2 or @_ > 3
1572 46 7 0 $_[1] || $XML::XSH2::Functions::DEFAULT_FORMAT
1971 97 0 0 shift() || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xpc->getContextNode
1974 5 0 31 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node)
2034 14 17 0 shift() || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xpc->getContextNode
2357 10 22 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($result, 'XML::LibXML::Number') or UNIVERSAL::isa($result, 'XML::LibXML::Boolean')
2374 0 31 0 $opts->{'format'} || $XML::XSH2::Functions::DEFAULT_FORMAT
2456 0 0 0 $path eq '-' || _is_url($path) || 'File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($path)
2471 0 1 0 $opts->{'format'} || $XML::XSH2::Functions::DEFAULT_FORMAT
2520 1 0 0 $source ne 'file' or -f $file
1 0 0 $source ne 'file' or -f $file or $file eq '-'
0 0 0 $source ne 'file' or -f $file or $file eq '-' or $file =~ /^[a-z]+:/
2591 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_xinclude_start($node) || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) && $node->namespaceURI eq $XML::XSH2::Functions::Xinclude_prefix && $node->localname eq 'include'
2612 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node)
2619 0 0 0 $xinc{'encoding'} ||= $enc
2876 0 0 0 $@ or $target eq 'print'
0 0 0 $@ or $target eq 'print' or "$XML::XSH2::Functions::QUIET"
2927 15 0 11 $depth > 0 or $folding
3201 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($n) or $n->parentNode and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($n->parentNode)
3293 1 12 1 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node)
13 1 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($node)
3303 0 0 1 $ns || $node->namespaceURI
3427 2 1 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($source) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($source)
3 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($source) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($source) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($source)
1 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($source) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($source) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($source) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($source)
3517 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node)
3594 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($node) or $node->parentNode and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document_fragment($node->parentNode)
3624 16 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($dest)
16 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($dest)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($dest)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($dest) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($dest)
3626 3 0 23 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node)
3 3 20 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($node)
3 14 6 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node)
17 3 3 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($node)
3633 0 0 23 $where eq 'replace' or $where eq 'into'
0 0 23 $where eq 'before' or $where eq 'prepend'
23 0 0 $where eq 'after' or $where eq 'append'
3656 0 3 0 $where eq 'replace' or $where eq 'after'
3 0 0 $where eq 'replace' or $where eq 'after' or $where eq 'before'
3693 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_attribute($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node)
3750 2 0 0 $where eq 'into' or $where eq 'append'
2 0 0 $where eq 'into' or $where eq 'append' or $where eq 'prepend'
3786 45 1 44 $where eq 'after' or $where eq 'before'
46 1 43 $where eq 'after' or $where eq 'before' or $where eq 'replace'
43 0 0 $where eq 'into' or $where eq 'append'
3809 0 0 9 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($dest) || $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_entity_reference($node)
3889 1 9 17 $str =~ /\G\"((?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*)\"/cogs or $str =~ /\G\'((?:[^\\\']|\\.)*)\'/cogs
10 17 0 $str =~ /\G\"((?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*)\"/cogs or $str =~ /\G\'((?:[^\\\']|\\.)*)\'/cogs or $str =~ /\G(.*?)(?=\s+[^ \n\r\t=]+=|\s*$)/cogs
3947 0 0 0 $_->[1] eq $ns or $dest->lookupNamespaceURI($1) eq $_->[2]
3953 0 0 0 $- > [1] eq $ns or $dest->lookupNamespaceURI('') eq $_->[2]
4004 3 0 54 $elt =~ /^([^:>]+):(.*)$/ or $ns ne ''
4131 0 0 0 $variable or $node = $$ql[$node_idx++]
4139 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text_or_cdata($node)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text_or_cdata($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($node)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text_or_cdata($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($node)
4192 0 0 0 $@ or not ref $chunk
4240 0 0 0 not exists $opts->{'all'} or $variable
4288 0 0 10 insert_node($fp, $tp, undef, $where, undef, $rl) eq 'remove' || $replace
4312 0 0 41 insert_node($fp, $tp, undef, $where, undef, $rl) eq 'remove' || $replace
4358 0 0 2 insert_node($node, $tp, undef, $where, undef, $rl) eq 'remove' || $replace
4391 0 0 0 $opts->{'while'} or $opts->{'until'}
4404 0 0 1 $opts->{'while'} or $opts->{'until'}
4419 15 2 15 defined $opts->{'while'} or defined $opts->{'until'}
4434 4 1 33 $skip_ws and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($next) and $next->getData =~ /^\s*$/ or $skip_comments and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($next)
1 15 18 $skip_ws and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($next) and $next->getData =~ /^\s*$/ or $skip_comments and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($next) or $skip_pi and $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($next)
4575 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_comment($node)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($node) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_document($node)
4599 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($child) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($child)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($child) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($child)
4620 0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_text($child) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_cdata_section($child)
0 0 0 $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_element($child) or $XML::XSH2::Functions::_xml_module->is_pi($child)
4661 0 0 2 $opts->{'schema'} or $opts->{'relaxng'}
4668 0 0 2 not $opts->{'dtd'} or exists $opts->{'file'}
0 0 2 not $opts->{'dtd'} or exists $opts->{'file'} or exists $opts->{'string'}
0 0 2 not $opts->{'dtd'} or exists $opts->{'file'} or exists $opts->{'string'} or exists $opts->{'doc'}
0 0 2 not $opts->{'dtd'} or exists $opts->{'file'} or exists $opts->{'string'} or exists $opts->{'doc'} or exists $opts->{'public'}
4674 0 0 0 exists $opts->{'file'} or exists $opts->{'public'}
4784 0 0 0 defined $public || defined $system
4797 0 0 0 defined $root or defined $public
0 0 0 defined $root or defined $public or defined $system
5005 628 854 12 ref $run eq 'ARRAY' or ref $run eq 'XML::XSH2::Command'
5233 0 0 218 $pos < -1 or $pos > $size
5298 1 1 3 not defined $exp or _ev_count($exp)
5336 0 0 0 -f $stylefile or $stylefile =~ /^[a-z]+:/
5360 0 0 0 @_ or $opts->{'precompiled'}
5375 0 0 0 ref $st and UNIVERSAL::isa($st, 'XML::LibXSLT::Stylesheet') or UNIVERSAL::isa($st, 'XML::LibXSLT::StylesheetWrapper')
5555 0 0 0 $enc ||= $XML::XSH2::Functions::QUERY_ENCODING
6030 0 0 0 $_[0] || current()
6110 0 28 0 ref $_[0] || $_[0]