Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 26 45 57.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
529 0 34 3 defined $$self{'SIDS'}{$sid}{'node'}[0] and $$self{'SIDS'}{$sid}{'node'}[0]->get_tag =~ /^$stream_prefix\:/
681 1205 0 0 $value ne '' and $attrib ne ''
1205 0 0 $value ne '' and $attrib ne '' and $child->get_attrib($attrib)
0 0 0 $value ne '' and $attrib ne '' and $child->get_attrib($attrib) and $XMLTree->get_attrib($attrib) ne $value
682 1205 0 0 $attrib ne '' and not $child->get_attrib($attrib)
866 9 0 1 defined $rawXML and $rawXML ne ''
8 0 1 defined $node->get_raw_xml and $node->get_raw_xml ne ''
883 98 0 17 defined $node->get_raw_xml and $node->get_raw_xml ne ''
887 98 0 17 defined $rawXML and $rawXML ne ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
152 0 796 0 ref $proto || $proto
676 112 1093 635 $child->get_tag eq $tag or $tag eq '*'
765 59 0 275 $type eq 'tree array' or $type eq 'value array'
59 217 58 $type eq 'tree array' or $type eq 'value array' or $type eq 'child array'
866 113 0 10 $#children > -1 or defined $rawXML and $rawXML ne ''
1 0 9 $#children > -1 or defined $rawXML and $rawXML ne '' or defined $node->get_raw_xml and $node->get_raw_xml ne ''