Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 30 53.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
247 688 8 492 $estart == 0 and $cdatastart != 0
271 492 0 0 $$self{'DTD'} == 1 and exists $attribs{'xmlns'}
343 159 7 0 $id1 < $id2 and $id1 != -1
349 7 0 0 $id2 < $id1 and $id1 == -1
485 0 0 0 $pos > 0 and $$self{'TREE'}[$pos - 1] eq '0'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
197 2 0 9 substr($$self{'XML'}, $start, 3) eq '
308 16 672 0 $cdatastart == -1 or $cdatastart > $estart
334 492 0 166 length $str == 0 or $eq == -1
343 0 159 7 $id1 < $id2 and $id1 != -1 or $id2 == -1
349 0 7 0 $id2 < $id1 and $id1 == -1 or $id2 != -1