Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 48 68.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
71 498 31 151 exists $params->{'sig_hash'} and grep {$_ eq $params->{'sig_hash'};} "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "ripemd160"
79 476 0 204 exists $params->{'digest_hash'} and grep {$_ eq $params->{'digest_hash'};} "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "ripemd160"
87 345 279 56 defined $self->{'key_type'} and $self->{'key_type'} eq "dsa"
98 677 1 2 exists $params->{'no_xml_declaration'} and $params->{'no_xml_declaration'} == 1
104 335 327 18 not defined $self->{'key_type'} and exists $params->{'hmac_key'}
276 368 2 0 $key_to_verify and $key_to_verify ne $reference
352 0 339 12 not defined $self->{'cert_obj'} and defined $self->{'hmac_key'}
401 0 0 339 $keyinfo_nodeset and $keyinfo_nodeset->size > 0
472 0 0 344 defined $val and length $val
1038 0 0 0 defined $self->{'dsig_prefix'} and length $self->{'dsig_prefix'}
1442 345 0 0 not defined $self->{'key_type'} and defined $self->{'hmac_key'}
1446 315 0 30 $self->{'sig_hash'} eq "sha1" and $self->{'key_type'} ne "ecdsa"
115 0 28 $self->{'key_type'} eq "dsa" and $self->{'sig_hash'} eq "sha256"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
117 331 6 1 $self->key or $self->{'hmac_key'}
1450 12 0 160 $self->{'sig_hash'} eq "ripemd160" or $self->{'sig_hash'} eq "whirlpool"
1489 34 34 243 $self->{'digest_hash'} eq "sha224" or $self->{'digest_hash'} eq "sha384"