Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 102 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 unless (exists $$c{$name})
27 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ > 1) { }
28 0 0 if (ref $_[0]) { }
33 0 0 if (ref $ret and eval { do { $ret->isa('XML::RSS::LibXML::ElementSpec') } })
42 0 0 if $definition
44 0 0 if ($key =~ /^(?:rdf|dc|syn|taxo|admin|content|cc)$/)
45 0 0 unless (exists $c->namespaces->{$key})
52 0 0 if (my $uri = $c->namespaces->{$key})
60 0 0 if (ref $ret and eval { do { $ret->isa('XML::RSS::LibXML::ElementSpec') } })
75 0 0 unless (defined $value)
79 0 0 if defined $$spec[1] and length $value > $$spec[1]
87 0 0 if (eval { do { $$c{$prefix}->isa('XML::RSS::LibXML::ElementSpec') } })
117 0 0 if ref $v eq 'XML::RSS::LibXML::ElementSpec'
129 0 0 if (not $v or eval { do { $v->isa('XML::RSS::LibXML::ElementSpec') } }) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') { }
144 0 0 if (my $b = $xc->findvalue('/rss/@xml:base', $dom)) { }
180 0 0 unless @nodes
183 0 0 unless (exists $c->namespaces->{'taxo'})
215 0 0 if $name eq 'textInput'
217 0 0 if ($child->findnodes('./*')) { }
218 0 0 if (not grep({$_ eq $name;} $self->may_have_children)) { }
226 0 0 unless $text =~ /\S/
229 0 0 if ($child->hasAttributes) { }
243 0 0 if ($prefix) { }
255 0 0 wantarray ? :
311 0 0 unless $$c{$p}
315 0 0 if (defined $value)
322 0 0 if (@nodes)
335 0 0 if (not $list or @$list <= 0)
355 0 0 if $prefix =~ /^(?:dc|syn|taxo|rss\d\d)$/
356 0 0 unless defined $$c{$prefix}
371 0 0 unless my $root = $dom->getDocumentElement
375 0 0 if $prefix =~ /^rss\d\d$/
376 0 0 if $prefix =~ /^#default$/
390 0 0 if (ref $spec eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $spec eq 'ARRAY') { }
398 0 0 if (ref $p and ref $p eq 'HASH') { }
399 0 0 if ($$c{$$p{'module'}})
407 0 0 if (defined $value)
408 0 0 if ($prefix)
417 0 0 if (ref $value and eval { do { $value->isa('XML::RSS::LibXML::MagicElement') } }) { }
0 0 elsif ($callback) { }
436 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
441 0 0 if (defined $guid) { }
0 0 elsif (defined(my $permaLink = $$h{'permaLink'})) { }
443 0 0 if (not eval { do { $guid->isa('XML::RSS::LibXML::MagicElement') } }) { }
446 0 0 if (my $is_permalink = $$guid{'isPermaLink'}) { }
447 0 0 if ($is_permalink eq 'true')
463 0 0 if ($$h{$p})
469 0 0 if (defined $$h{'mode'} and delete $$h{'mode'} eq 'insert') { }