Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 58 58.6

line true false branch
16 0 0 wantarray ? :
24 0 7 unless defined $node
47 0 0 if defined $func and ref $func ne 'CODE'
50 0 0 if (defined $func) { }
84 36 5 if ($self->{'INDEX'} != -1) { }
87 36 0 unless (scalar @filters > 0)
95 6 30 unless defined $node
99 0 0 if $fv
101 30 0 if $fv == 1 or $fv == 0
109 35 6 if (defined $node)
112 5 30 if ($node->isSameNode($self->{'FIRST'})) { }
131 12 0 unless (scalar @filters > 0)
138 2 10 unless defined $node
142 0 0 if $fv
144 10 0 if $fv == 1 or $fv == 0
147 10 2 if (defined $node)
159 0 8 if (scalar @_)
167 0 8 unless $self->{'FILTERS'}
173 0 0 if $fv
178 0 8 unless ($fv == 1)
198 0 1 unless defined $function and ref $function eq 'CODE'
215 12 36 if ($dir < 0) { }
219 2 10 if $self->{'CURRENT'}->isSameNode($self->{'FIRST'}) and $self->{'INDEX'} <= 0
222 4 6 unless defined $node
231 36 0 if (defined $self->{'CURRENT'}) { }
235 0 36 if $self->{'CURRENT'}->isSameNode($self->{'FIRST'}) and $self->{'INDEX'} > 0
237 12 24 if ($self->{'CURRENT'}->hasChildNodes) { }
247 6 18 unless defined $pnode
249 18 0 unless defined $node