Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 87 18.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
195 0 0 0 $path->isa('XFD::PathTest') and $path->isa('XFD::doc_node')
0 0 0 $path->isa('XFD::PathTest') and $path->isa('XFD::doc_node') and not $path->isa('XFD::union')
308 0 10 35 defined $_ and UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'XFD::Op')
309 25 10 0 not $$context{'BelowRoot'} and $_->isa('XFD::Axis::child') || $_->isa('XFD::Axis::attribute') || $_->isa('XFD::Axis::start_element') || $_->isa('XFD::Axis::end_element')
382 0 0 0 $self->isa('XFD::Action') && $$self[0]{'DelayToEnd'}
473 0 0 0 $type eq 'boolean' and not length $out_code
512 5 0 0 keys %{$hash_name;} and exists ${$hash_name;}{$$context{'Axis'}}
520 0 0 5 $self->can('useful_event_contexts') and defined $$context{'PossibleEventTypes'}
0 0 5 $self->can('useful_event_contexts') and defined $$context{'PossibleEventTypes'} and @{$$context{'PossibleEventTypes'};}
794 5 0 0 $$self[0]{'DelayToEnd'} && !$$context{'IgnoreDelayToEnd'}
1053 0 0 0 $action_type ne 'HASH' and $action_type ne 'REF'
0 0 0 $action_type ne 'HASH' and $action_type ne 'REF' and $action_type ne 'Regexp'
1444 0 0 0 defined $max and $min > $max
1448 0 0 0 defined $max and $max == $min
0 0 0 defined $max and $cnt > $max
1471 0 0 0 $type eq 'nodeset' and $required_type eq 'nodeset'
2253 0 0 0 $is_constant[1] and $is_constant[2]
2491 0 0 0 $$context{'PossibleEventTypes'} and @{$$context{'PossibleEventTypes'};} == 1
0 0 0 $$context{'PossibleEventTypes'} and @{$$context{'PossibleEventTypes'};} == 1 and $$context{'PossibleEventTypes'}[0] eq 'attribute'
2878 0 0 0 $kid and $kid->isa('XFD::namespace_test')
2880 0 0 0 $gkid and $gkid->isa('XFD::node_local_name')
3014 0 0 0 !$seen{$_}++ && exists $child_curry_tests{$_}
3424 0 0 0 @possible_event_types == 1 and $possible_event_types[0] eq $desired_event_type

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
309 0 0 5 $_->isa('XFD::Axis::child') || $_->isa('XFD::Axis::attribute') || $_->isa('XFD::Axis::start_element') || $_->isa('XFD::Axis::end_element')
338 0 0 35 $_->isa('XFD::Parens') or $_->isa('XFD::union')
0 5 30 $_->isa('XFD::Parens') or $_->isa('XFD::union') or $_->isa('XFD::Action')
5 5 25 $_->isa('XFD::Parens') or $_->isa('XFD::union') or $_->isa('XFD::Action') or $_->isa('XFD::Rule')
695 5 0 0 $$self[-1] or $$context{'ActionCode'}
1471 0 0 0 $type ne $required_type or $type eq 'nodeset' and $required_type eq 'nodeset'