Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 81 184 44.0

line true false branch
37 0 5 if $args->{'schemas'}
70 0 5 ref $wsdl eq 'ARRAY' ? :
81 0 0 if not $need or $need ne 'CALLS'
84 0 0 if not $need or $need eq 'CALLS'
101 0 0 $long ? :
112 0 0 &blessed($oper) ? :
116 0 0 if $self->{'XCW_ccode'}{$name}
120 0 0 ref $dopts eq 'ARRAY' ? :
130 0 0 unless my $codes = $self->{'XCW_ccode'}
132 0 0 unless my $call = $codes->{$name}
143 0 6 unless defined $data
145 0 6 if (ref $data eq 'ARRAY')
151 0 6 unless defined $node
153 0 6 unless $node->localName eq 'definitions' and $node->namespaceURI eq ''
161 0 6 unless my $tns = $spec->{'targetNamespace'}
171 6 27 unless $which =~ s/^wsdl_(service|message|binding|portType)$/$1/
176 5 22 if ($which eq 'service')
177 0 5 unless $def->{'wsdl_port'}
180 0 5 unless my $addr_label = &first(sub { /address$/; } , keys %$port)
182 0 5 if ref $first_addr eq 'ARRAY'
185 0 5 unless ref $first_addr eq 'HASH'
195 0 6 unless ($index->{'service'})
198 0 0 unless @portTypes == 1
203 0 0 unless @bindings == 1
210 0 0 unless $servname =~ s/Service$|(?:Service)?Port(?:Type)?$/Service/i
215 0 0 $bindings[0]{'soap12_binding'} ? :
0 0 $bindings[0]{'soap_binding'} ? :
232 0 0 unless (shift())->index($class)
240 7 2 @_ % 2 ? :
250 0 9 unless $service->{'wsdl_port'}
251 0 9 if (my $not = &first(sub { &blessed($_); } , @ports))
257 2 7 if (my $portname = delete $args{'port'}) { }
7 0 elsif (@ports == 1) { }
259 0 2 unless $port
272 9 14 if /address$/
274 0 9 unless my $address = &first(sub { $port->{$_}{'location'} if /address$/; } , keys %$port)
276 0 9 if ($address =~ /^{/)
279 0 0 if $ns eq ''
288 0 9 unless $prefix
293 0 9 unless ($protocol)
294 0 0 $opns eq '' ? :
0 0 $opns eq '' ? :
298 0 0 if ($pkg) { }
308 0 9 unless $opclass->can('_fromWSDL11')
317 0 9 unless my $bindtype = $port->{'binding'}
322 0 9 unless my $type = $binding->{'type'}
327 0 9 unless my $types = $portType->{'wsdl_operation'}
334 9 0 if (defined $name) { }
0 0 elsif (@port_ops == 1) { }
336 1 8 unless $port_op
349 0 8 unless $binding->{'wsdl_operation'}
351 0 8 unless $bind_op
363 8 8 if not defined $first_in and $order[$i] eq 'input'
364 7 9 if not defined $first_out and $order[$i] eq 'output'
367 7 0 $first_in < $first_out ? :
1 7 !defined($first_out) ? :
0 8 !defined($first_in) ? :
400 0 0 if @_ % 2
401 0 0 unless my $op = $self->operation(@_)
404 0 0 ref $dopts eq 'ARRAY' ? :
412 0 10 @opts == 1 ? :
413 0 10 if ref $opts eq 'HASH'
415 10 0 unless $need eq 'OPERATION'
418 5 5 ref $names eq 'ARRAY' ? :
432 0 53 unless @_
434 0 53 unless my $class = $$index{shift()}
437 0 53 @_ ? :
443 0 53 unless my $group = $self->index($class)
446 41 12 if (defined $name)
447 38 3 if exists $group->{$name}
449 0 3 if ($name =~ /\:/)
451 0 0 if exists $group->{$qname}
454 2 1 if (my $q = &first(sub { (&unpack_type($_))[1] eq $name; } , keys %$group))
463 3 9 if wantarray
466 9 0 if keys %$group == 1
476 0 2 if $args{'produce'}
482 0 2 if $args{'service'} and $args{'service'} ne $sname
484 0 2 unless $service->{'wsdl_port'}
487 0 2 if $args{'port'} and $args{'port'} ne $port->{'name'}
490 0 2 unless my $bindtype = $port->{'binding'}
493 0 2 if $args{'binding'} and $args{'binding'} ne $binding->{'name'}
496 0 2 unless my $type = $binding->{'type'}
500 0 2 unless $binding->{'wsdl_operation'}
503 0 2 if (my $has = $all_ops{$opname})
507 0 0 if @services > 1 and not $args{'service'}
536 0 2 unless $service->{'wsdl_port'}
538 0 2 if (my $portname = delete $args{'port'}) { }
2 0 elsif (@ports == 1) { }
540 0 0 unless $port
553 2 4 if $k =~ /address$/
562 1 0 @_ % 2 ? :
586 0 0 unless my $op = $self->operation($opname, @opts)