Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 346 4.3

line true false branch
100 0 1 if $args->{'fields'}
167 0 0 unless $fields and ref $fields
171 0 0 ref $fields eq 'ARRAY' ? :
174 0 0 if (not ref $fdata) { }
185 0 0 if $values and $values->{$name}
205 0 0 unless $fields
208 0 0 if $args->{'submit_name'}
213 0 0 if (ref $fields eq "HASH")
237 0 0 if ($self->{'submit_name'})
240 0 0 $cgi->param($self->{'submit_name'}) || $cgi->param($self->{'submit_name'} . '.x') || $cgi->param($self->{'submit_name'} . '.y') ? :
259 0 0 if defined $cgivalue
264 0 0 if (defined $cgivalue and not $dont_sanitize)
270 0 0 if defined $fdata->{'phase'} and $phase < $fdata->{'phase'}
273 0 0 unless defined $value
274 0 0 unless ($have_cgivalues)
275 0 0 unless defined $value
276 0 0 unless defined $value
282 0 0 unless defined $value
290 0 0 if (not length $value and $fdata->{'required'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($fdata->{'maxlength'} and length $value > $fdata->{'maxlength'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($fdata->{'minlength'} and length $value and length $value < $fdata->{'minlength'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'text') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'textarea') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'file') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'email') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'usphone') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'phone') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'int' or $style eq 'integer' or $style eq 'number') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'real') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'password') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'country') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'usstate' or $style eq 'uscontst') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'cctype') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'ccnum') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'month') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'year') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'checkbox') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'selection') { }
307 0 0 unless ($value)
312 0 0 if (length $value and not $value =~ m[^[\w\.\+/\$\%\&\`{}'=-]+\@([a-z0-9-]+\.)+[a-z]+$]i)
317 0 0 unless $fdata->{'maxlength'}
318 0 0 if (length $value)
320 0 0 if (length $value == 7) { }
0 0 elsif (length $value == 11) { }
0 0 elsif (length $value != 10) { }
324 0 0 if (substr($value, 0, 1) ne 1)
337 0 0 unless $fdata->{'maxlength'}
338 0 0 if (length $value)
345 0 0 if (length $p < 10) { }
0 0 elsif (length $p == 10) { }
0 0 elsif (length $p > 13) { }
355 0 0 unless ($newerr)
357 0 0 if $e
362 0 0 if (length $value)
363 0 0 if ($value =~ /^-?[\d,']+$/) { }
365 0 0 if (defined $fdata->{'minvalue'} and $value < $fdata->{'minvalue'})
369 0 0 if (defined $fdata->{'maxvalue'} and $value > $fdata->{'maxvalue'})
380 0 0 if (length $value)
381 0 0 if ($value =~ /^-?[\d,'\.]+$/) { }
383 0 0 if (defined $fdata->{'minvalue'} and $value < $fdata->{'minvalue'})
387 0 0 if (defined $fdata->{'maxvalue'} and $value > $fdata->{'maxvalue'})
398 0 0 if (length $value and $fdata->{'pair'} and $value ne $cgi->param($fdata->{'pair'}))
408 0 0 if $match
410 0 0 if (length $value and not $match)
415 0 0 $style eq 'usstate' ? :
421 0 0 if $match
423 0 0 if (length $value and not $match)
432 0 0 if $match
434 0 0 if (length $value and not $match)
439 0 0 if (length $value)
440 0 0 $fdata->{'pair'} ? :
445 0 0 if (length $value)
447 0 0 if ($value < 1 or $value > 12)
453 0 0 if ($fdata->{'minyear'} and $fdata->{'maxyear'}) { }
0 0 elsif (length $value) { }
456 0 0 if (length $value)
458 0 0 if ($value < $minyear) { }
0 0 elsif ($value > $maxyear) { }
470 0 0 if ($value < 1900 or $value > 2099)
483 0 0 if ($have_cgivalues) { }
484 0 0 defined $fdata->{'newvalue'} ? :
0 0 (defined $fdata->{'newvalue'} ? $fdata->{'newvalue'} : $cgivalue) ? :
487 0 0 defined $fdata->{'value'} ? :
0 0 (defined $fdata->{'value'} ? $fdata->{'value'} : $fdata->{'default'}) ? :
491 0 0 if (length $value)
493 0 0 if (ref $opt eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $opt eq 'ARRAY') { }
494 0 0 unless (defined $opt->{$value})
501 0 0 unless defined $$opt[$i + 1]
502 0 0 if ($opt->[$i] eq $value)
507 0 0 unless ($found)
522 0 0 if ($newerr and not $have_submit && $have_cgivalues)
531 0 0 if ($style eq 'country') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'usstate' or $style eq 'uscontst') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'cctype') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'month') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'year' and not $fdata->{'maxlength'} and $fdata->{'minyear'} and $fdata->{'maxyear'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'checkbox') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'selection') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'text' or $style eq 'phone' or $style eq 'usphone' or $style eq 'ccnum' or $style eq 'email' or $style eq 'year' or $style eq 'number' or $style eq 'int' or $style eq 'integer' or $style eq 'real') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'textarea') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'file') { }
0 0 elsif ($style eq 'password') { }
540 0 0 $style eq 'usstate' ? :
580 0 0 $value ? :
597 0 0 defined $value ? :
0 0 defined $newerr ? :
607 0 0 defined $value ? :
0 0 defined $newerr ? :
615 0 0 defined $newerr ? :
625 0 0 defined $value ? :
632 0 0 if ($seloptions)
638 0 0 unless defined $v and length $v
639 0 0 unless defined $t
641 0 0 unless ($used_selected)
642 0 0 $selcompare ? :
643 0 0 if ($equal)
655 0 0 $sel ? :
660 0 0 if (ref $seloptions eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $seloptions eq 'ARRAY') { }
686 0 0 unless ($has_empty)
694 0 0 defined $value ? :
706 0 0 if ($newerr) { }
716 0 0 defined $value ? :
720 0 0 $fdata->{'required'} ? :
731 0 0 if ($have_submit and $have_cgivalues and not $errstr)
733 0 0 if (@rc < 2) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar(@rc) % 2 == 0) { }
739 0 0 unless $e
741 0 0 if ($fname) { }
745 0 0 if ($fdata->{'errstr'}) { }
746 0 0 $fdata->{'errstr'} =~ /\.\s*$/ ? :
753 0 0 if $errstr
757 0 0 if $errstr
758 0 0 if $errstr
773 0 0 unless ($have_submit and $have_cgivalues)
786 0 0 if (not $have_submit && $have_cgivalues or $errstr or $keep_form)
789 0 0 if ($errstr and $have_cgivalues)
804 0 0 unless $keep_form and not $errstr and $have_cgivalues and $have_submit
830 0 0 if (ref $fields eq 'ARRAY') { }
832 0 0 if $fdata->{'name'} eq $name
836 0 0 if $fields->{$name}
839 0 0 if $soft_failure
858 0 0 if (ref $fields eq 'ARRAY') { }
876 0 0 if ($self->{'form_ok'})
891 0 0 if ($self->{'check_form'})
912 0 0 if ($self->{'pre_check_form'})
1195 0 0 if $st =~ /^AK/
1196 0 0 if $st =~ /^AS/
1197 0 0 if $st =~ /^FM/
1198 0 0 if $st =~ /^GU/
1199 0 0 if $st =~ /^HI/
1200 0 0 if $st =~ /^MH/
1201 0 0 if $st =~ /^MP/
1202 0 0 if $st =~ /^VI/
1327 0 4 if (length $number < 13)
1336 57 3 $weight < 10 ? :
1338 0 4 if (substr($number, -1) ne (10 - $sum % 10) % 10)
1348 1 3 if ($number =~ /^(?:34|37)/) { }
3 0 elsif ($number =~ /^4/) { }
0 0 elsif ($number =~ /^5/) { }
0 0 elsif ($number =~ /^6/) { }
1371 4 0 if ($reqlen)
1372 1 3 unless scalar grep({length $number == $_;} @$reqlen)
1378 0 3 if ($type and not lc($type) =~ /$realtype/)
1384 3 0 if $args->{'validated'}
1385 3 0 if $args->{'typecode'}
1396 0 0 if (substr($year, 0, 1) eq '+') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($year, 0, 1) eq '-') { }
0 0 elsif ($year < 20) { }
0 0 elsif ($year < 100) { }
1427 0 1 if ($self->can("Tx_translate"))
1434 0 0 exists $values->{$1} ? :