Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 50 82.0

line true false branch
15 483 21 if index($ua, 'compatible; MSIE') < 0 and index($ua, 'Trident/') < 0 and index $ua, 'IEMobile'
18 45 21 if ($ua =~ /MSIE ([.0-9]+);/o) { }
21 0 elsif ($ua =~ m[Trident/([.0-9]+);]o and $ua =~ / rv:([.0-9]+)/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($ua =~ m[IEMobile/([.0-9]+);]o) { }
35 474 9 if index($ua, 'Vivaldi/') < 0
39 9 0 if ($ua =~ m[Vivaldi/([.0-9]+)]o)
50 399 75 if index($ua, 'Safari/') < 0
54 3 72 if ($ua =~ m[Edge/([.0-9]+)]o)
62 3 69 if ($ua =~ m[FxiOS/([.0-9]+)]o)
70 33 36 if ($ua =~ m[(?:Chrome|CrMo|CriOS)/([.0-9]+)]o)
72 9 24 if ($ua =~ m[OPR/([.0-9]+)]o)
80 3 21 if (index($ua, 'wv') > -1)
92 30 6 if ($ua =~ m[Version/([.0-9]+)]o)
103 375 27 if index($ua, 'Firefox/') < 0
106 27 0 if ($ua =~ m[Firefox/([.0-9]+)]o) { }
120 345 30 if index($ua, 'Opera') < 0
123 12 18 if ($ua =~ m[Version/([.0-9]+)]o) { }
18 0 elsif ($ua =~ m[Opera[/ ]([.0-9]+)]o) { }
144 9 336 if ($ua =~ /iP(hone;|ad;|od) .*like Mac OS X/o) { }
3 333 elsif (index($ua, 'wv') > -1) { }
145 0 9 if index($ua, 'Safari/') > -1
147 3 6 if ($ua =~ m[Version/([.0-9]+)]o)
156 3 0 if ($ua =~ m[Version/([.0-9]+)]o)
172 165 3 if index($ua, 'Sleipnir/') < 0
175 3 0 if ($ua =~ m[Sleipnir/([.0-9]+)]o) { }