Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 44 72.7

line true false branch
18 2 16 if exists $COMPOSITE_NAME{$key}
36 0 16 if ($COMPOSITE_KEY{$new_name} or length $new_name > 252)
57 12 0 defined $type ? :
68 0 12 unless eval $code
70 0 12 if defined $e
89 10 0 if defined &mro::set_mro
96 1 11 if ($INC{'Moo/'} and 'Moo::Role'->is_role($base)) { }
3 8 elsif ($INC{''} and 'Moo'->_accessor_maker_for($base)) { }
0 8 elsif ($INC{'Class/'} and $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($base) and $meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role')) { }
0 8 elsif ($INC{'Class/'} and $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($base) and $meta->isa('Class::MOP::Class')) { }
0 8 elsif (defined &Mouse::Util::find_meta and $meta = Mouse::Util::find_meta($base) and $meta->isa('Mouse::Meta::Role')) { }
0 8 elsif (defined &Mouse::Util::find_meta and $meta = Mouse::Util::find_meta($base) and $meta->isa('Mouse::Meta::Class')) { }
1 7 elsif ($INC{'Role/'} and 'Role::Tiny'->is_role($base)) { }
146 7 0 if ($INC{'Role/'} and not grep((!'Role::Tiny'->is_role($_)), @roles)) { }
161 0 14 unless @roles
166 13 1 unless $BASE{$base}
168 1 13 $self->can('ROLE_BASE') ? :
176 12 2 unless (exists $BASE{$new})
177 0 12 unless my $type = _detect_type($base, @roles)
182 7 5 if ($type eq 'Role::Tiny::With') { }
2 3 elsif ($type =~ /Role/) { }
200 2 12 if (ref $self)