Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 44 65.9

line true false branch
27 2 4 if @words and not defined $words[-1]
28 2 4 unless @words or not length $line
40 1 3 unless @words or not length $line
52 1 3 unless @{$allwords[$i];} or not length $lines[$i]
67 5 100 unless $line =~ s/^ (?: # double quoted string (") # $quote ((?>[^\^"]*(?:\^.[^\^"]*)*))" # $quoted | # --OR-- # singe quoted string (') # $quote ((?>[^\^']*(?:\^.[^\^']*)*))' # $quoted | # --OR-- # unquoted string ( # $unquoted (?:\^.|[^\^"'])*? ) # followed by ( # $delim \Z(?!\n) # EOL | # --OR-- (?-x:$delimiter) # delimiter | # --OR-- (?!^)(?=["']) # a quote ) )//sx
90 22 78 $1 ? :
92 0 76 unless defined $quote or length $unquoted or length $delim
94 27 73 if ($keep) { }
99 17 56 if (defined $quote)
100 15 2 if $quote eq '"'
101 1 16 if $PERL_SINGLE_QUOTE and $quote eq q[']
105 24 76 defined $quote ? :
107 55 45 if (length $delim)
109 4 51 if $keep eq 'delimiters'
112 20 80 unless (length $line)
129 0 0 if @_
136 0 0 if (s/\A"(([^"\^]|\^.)*)"//s) { }
0 0 elsif (/\A"/) { }
0 0 elsif (s/\A'(([^'\^]|\^.)*)'//s) { }
0 0 elsif (/\A'/) { }
0 0 elsif (s/\A\^(.?)//s) { }
0 0 elsif (s/\A([^\s\^'"]+)//) { }