Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
168 0 0 if ($args{'from_node'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'from_x'} and $args{'from_y'}) { }
174 0 0 if ($args{'to_node'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'to_x'} and $args{'to_y'}) { }
180 0 0 unless $from[0] and $from[1] and $to[0] and $to[1]
185 0 0 if ($args{'unit'} eq 'metres') { }
212 0 0 unless my $dbh = eval { do { $store->dbh } }
218 0 0 if ($args{'node'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'x'} and $args{'y'}) { }
243 0 0 if $args{'node'}
246 0 0 if (ref $store eq 'Wiki::Toolkit::Store::Pg')
250 0 0 if (ref $store eq 'Wiki::Toolkit::Store::SQLite' and $DBD::SQLite::VERSION >= '1.00')
262 0 0 if (defined $dist and $dist <= $metres)