Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 24 41.6

line true false branch
130 0 0 if ($page_count == 0)
161 1 0 unless $method
165 0 1 if defined $self->{'TOKEN'} and $self->{'TOKEN'} ne $self->{'CONSUMER_KEY'}
166 1 0 unless $self->{'TOKEN'}
167 1 0 unless $self->{'TOKEN_SECRET'}
180 0 1 if defined $self->{'verifier'}
181 0 1 if $method eq 'POST' and defined $xml
186 1 0 if ($self->{'TOKEN'} eq $self->{'CONSUMER_KEY'}) { }
196 0 1 if ($method eq 'POST') { }
1 0 elsif ($method eq 'GET') { }
200 0 0 if defined $xml
212 0 1 if ($res->is_success) { }