Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 62 70.9

line true false branch
63 1 31 unless $s->can($m)
66 2 29 if (ref $matcher eq 'CODE') { }
2 27 elsif (ref $matcher eq 'Regexp') { }
68 2 0 unless &$matcher($value)
70 0 2 unless $value =~ /$matcher/
72 11 16 unless $value eq $matcher
84 1 1 $extended ? :
100 1 1 unless (eval { do { $lightbox->load; 1 } })
102 1 0 if (eval { do { $e->isa('WebService::Shutterstock::Exception') } } and $e->code eq 404 || $e->code eq 500) { }
126 0 3 unless my $image_id = $args{'image_id'}
131 0 3 unless ($subscription)
139 0 1 $size eq 'vector' ? :
142 1 0 $metadata ? :
162 0 2 unless my $video_id = $args{'video_id'}
167 0 1 unless ($subscription)
177 1 0 $metadata ? :
200 0 4 if (@matching == 0) { }
0 4 elsif (@matching > 1) { }
210 5 0 if ($sub_arg) { }
211 1 4 if (not ref $sub_arg) { }
4 0 elsif (ref $sub_arg eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (eval { do { $sub_arg->isa('WebService::Shutterstock::Subscription') } }) { }
221 1 4 if ($subscription and $subscription->site ne "${type}_subscription")
234 1 2 if (not $size and @valid_sizes == 1)
237 0 3 unless $size
239 1 2 unless (grep {$_ eq $size;} @valid_sizes)
250 3 1 if (my $metadata_definitions = $self->metadata_field_definitions)
254 1 2 unless defined $$valid{$$md{'name_api'}}
255 1 2 if ($$md{'is_required'} and $$valid{$$md{'name_api'}} eq '')
259 1 2 if (@missing)
260 1 0 @missing == 1 ? :