Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 46 93.4

line true false branch
113 0 5 if ref $class
148 3 14 defined $_[1] ? :
3 15 defined $_[1] ? :
3 3 defined $_[1] ? :
7 25 defined $_[1] ? :
161 2 3 if (-e $config_file)
162 0 2 unless -r $config_file and -w $config_file
169 1 1 unless $ok
173 2 2 if ($WebService::RTMAgent::config->{'token'})
175 1 1 unless (defined $res)
184 2 1 if ($WebService::RTMAgent::config->{'frob'} and not $WebService::RTMAgent::config->{'token'})
187 1 1 unless defined $res
194 1 1 unless ($WebService::RTMAgent::config->{'timeline'})
292 8 5 if exists $WebService::RTMAgent::config->{'token'}
293 6 7 if exists $WebService::RTMAgent::config->{'timeline'}
300 1 12 if $self->verbose =~ /netout/
303 1 12 unless $res->is_success
305 1 11 if $self->verbose =~ /netin/
322 12 1 unless $function =~ /^rtm./
326 4 8 if (exists $res->{'err'})
327 1 3 if $res->{'err'}[0]{'code'} == 112
333 2 0 if (exists $res->{'transaction'} and exists $res->{'transaction'}[0]{'undoable'})
348 2 3 unless defined $config