Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 24 83.3

line true false branch
172 41 14 if $version
190 11 44 if ($response->code == 200) { }
1 43 elsif ($response->code == 204) { }
214 0 55 unless $content
218 165 0 unless (exists $content->{$object} and exists $content->{$object}{$key})
224 0 0 $content->{$object}{$key} ? :
257 36 7 if ($status =~ /^4/) { }
4 3 elsif ($status =~ /^5/) { }
278 35 1 if $has_body and $response->content_type =~ /json/
283 32 4 if ($body) { }
284 29 3 if ($body->{'code'} or $body->{'error'}) { }
299 3 1 $has_body ? :