Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 34 58.8

line true false branch
108 0 2 defined $args{'cache'} ? :
112 2 0 if ($self->_cache)
148 0 11 if (not exists $$q{'type'}) { }
6 5 elsif ($$q{'type'} eq 'Title') { }
5 0 elsif ($$q{'type'} eq 'Name') { }
179 0 46 if ($request->method eq 'POST')
195 1 0 if ($self->_cache)
199 1 0 unless (defined $response)
202 0 1 if ($self->_cache and exists $$cacheCodes{$response->code})
217 45 0 unless (defined $saveToCache)
223 45 0 if ($self->_cache)
227 1 44 unless (defined $content)
231 0 1 if ($response->code ne '200')
237 1 0 if ($self->_cache and $saveToCache)
258 0 44 if (exists $$resp{'error'}) { }
42 2 elsif (exists $$resp{'data'}) { }
2 0 elsif (exists $$resp{'news'}) { }