Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 48 35.4

line true false branch
67 0 1 unless defined $headers
71 1 0 if (my $token = $self->get_access_token) { }
87 1 0 if defined $params->{'method'}
88 0 1 unless defined $params->{'httpMethod'}
98 0 1 if $http_method eq 'POST' and not defined $optional_data
100 0 1 if $self->debug > 11
101 0 1 unless $http_method =~ /^GET|PATH|PUT|POST|PATCH|DELETE$/mix
107 1 0 unless $no_auth
108 0 1 if ($http_method =~ /^POST|PATH|PUT|PATCH$/gix) { }
111 0 0 if ($optional_data eq '') { }
114 0 0 if (ref $optional_data eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $optional_data eq '') { }
127 1 0 if $http_method eq 'GET'
130 0 0 if $http_method eq 'DELETE'
145 1 0 if (ref $params eq '')
146 0 1 if $self->debug
154 0 1 if $self->debug
162 0 1 if ($res->code == 401 and $self->do_autorefresh) { }
0 1 elsif ($res->code == 403) { }
0 1 elsif ($res->code == 429) { }
163 0 0 if $self->debug > 11
177 1 0 if $res->code == 200
178 0 0 if $res->code == 204
179 0 0 if $res->code == 400