Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
75 0 0 unless (defined $response and defined $$response{'dashes'})
128 0 0 if not defined $args{$arg} or $args{$arg} eq ''
133 0 0 unless $args{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/
149 0 0 if (/404/) { }
159 0 0 unless (defined $response and defined $$response{'dash'})
255 0 0 unless (defined $response and defined $$response{'dash'})
271 0 0 defined $args{'title'} ? :
275 0 0 defined $args{'description'} ? :
279 0 0 defined $args{'graphs'} ? :
398 0 0 unless (defined $response and defined $$response{'dash'})
453 0 0 if not defined $args{$arg} or $args{$arg} eq ''
458 0 0 unless $args{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/
474 0 0 if (/404/)
479 0 0 if $should_croak
501 0 0 if ($mode eq 'update') { }
0 0 elsif ($mode eq 'create') { }
506 0 0 if not defined $args{$arg} or $args{$arg} eq ''
511 0 0 unless $args{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/
515 0 0 unless (defined $args{'title'} or defined $args{'description'} or defined $args{'graphs'})
525 0 0 if not defined $args{$arg} or $args{$arg} eq ''
530 0 0 if (defined $args{'title'} and $args{'title'} eq '')
536 0 0 if defined $args{'title'} and length $args{'title'} > 80
540 0 0 if defined $args{'description'} and length $args{'description'} > 4000
550 0 0 if (defined $args{'graphs'})
552 0 0 unless Data::Validate::Type::is_arrayref($args{'graphs'})
556 0 0 if scalar(@{$args{'graphs'};} == 0)
563 0 0 if not defined $$graph_item{$argument} or $$graph_item{$argument} eq ''