Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 67 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
185 0 0 0 exists $$params{'overwrite'} and $$params{'overwrite'}
203 0 0 0 exists $$params{'overwrite'} and $$params{'overwrite'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
58 0 0 $$args{'key'} || ''
0 0 $$args{'secret'} || ''
0 0 $$args{'request_token'} || ''
0 0 $$args{'request_secret'} || ''
0 0 $$args{'access_token'} || ''
0 0 $$args{'access_secret'} || ''
0 0 $$args{'root'} || 'cloudpt'
0 0 $$args{'timeout'} || 86400
0 0 $$args{'no_decode_json'} || 0
0 0 $$args{'no_uri_escape'} || 0
0 0 $$args{'lwp_env_proxy'} || $$args{'env_proxy'} || 0
161 0 0 $opts ||= {}
190 0 0 $opts ||= {}
207 0 0 $opts ||= {}
307 0 0 $opts ||= {}
332 0 0 $params ||= {}
347 0 0 $params ||= {}
372 0 0 $params ||= {}
389 0 0 $params ||= {}
405 0 0 $$args{'method'} ||= 'GET'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
333 0 0 0 $$params{'root'} ||= $self->root
348 0 0 0 $$params{'root'} ||= $self->root
373 0 0 0 $$params{'root'} ||= $self->root
390 0 0 0 $$params{'root'} ||= $self->root
391 0 0 0 $$params{'path'} ||= $self->path($path)
439 0 0 0 $content =~ /^path=/ || $content =~ /^rev=/ || $content =~ /^from_/ || $content =~ /^to_email/ || $content =~ /^shareid=/
453 0 0 0 $content =~ /^path\=/ || $content =~ /^rev=/ || $content =~ /^from_/ || $content =~ /^to_email/ || $content =~ /^shareid=/