Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 42 71.4

line true false branch
78 5 70 unless exists $args->{$k}
79 70 0 if exists $args->{$k}
89 0 110 if exists $args{$k}
169 0 1 unless $self->api_token
181 4 4 if $self->{'ratelimiters'}{$type}
183 0 4 unless $self->loop
202 0 10 $method eq 'POST' ? :
1 10 $data ? :
226 0 8 unless $err_type and $err_type eq "http"
236 16 7 unless $code =~ /$PATTERN_FOR_ERROR{$error_code}/
251 0 11 $headers->{'authorization'} ? :
10 1 !defined($body) ? :
257 0 0 if $self->{'ua'}
329 1 2 unless $segment_id
330 1 1 unless ref $customers_ids eq "ARRAY"
348 1 2 unless $segment_id
349 1 1 unless ref $customers_ids eq "ARRAY"
367 0 1 unless $email
373 0 1 if (ref $resp ne "HASH" or ref $resp->{'results'} ne "ARRAY")
394 3 9 unless $data->{$attribute}
401 1 0 unless ref $data->{'identifiers'} eq "HASH" and $data->{'identifiers'}{'id'} || $data->{'identifiers'}{'email'} || $data->{'identifiers'}{'cio'}