Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 56 85.7

line true false branch
146 0 14 if $HTML_Perl_or
161 18 370 @HTML_Wedge ? :
162 356 32 if ($line)
188 10 4 if $HTML_Perl_or
242 2 511 if ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT{$tag_parent} or $tag_parent =~ /^start_/i or $tag_parent =~ /^end_/i) { }
1 510 elsif ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$tag_parent} and $tag eq 'head') { }
1 509 elsif ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$tag_parent} and $tag eq 'body') { }
47 462 elsif ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::CGI_TAG_SPECIAL{$tag} and $method ne 'SUPER::text') { }
8 454 elsif ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT{$tag_parent} or $tag =~ /^start_/i or $tag =~ /^end_/) { }
77 377 elsif ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$tag_parent}) { }
352 201 312 if ref $html_or
381 1 1 if $attr_hr->{'src'}
410 24 47 if ($tag eq 'perl')
411 3 21 unless (grep {exists $attr_hr->{$_};} 'package', 'class', 'method')
415 3 68 if ($inline) { }
465 203 0 unless ref $tag
468 0 203 if ($Text_fg) { }
490 139 77 unless ref $tag
493 5 211 if ($Text_fg and $tag eq $Text_fg) { }
0 211 elsif ($Text_fg) { }
523 92 316 if ($Text_fg eq 'perl') { }
9 307 elsif ($text =~ /^\W*__CODE__/ or $text =~ /^\W*__PERL__/) { }
0 307 elsif ($text =~ /^\W*__END__/) { }
547 0 9 if $self->{'_pos'}
576 16 291 if ($text =~ /([$|!|+|^|*]+)\{([$|!|+]?)(.*?)\2\}/s) { }
582 16 0 if (my $html_or = $self->{'_pos'})
584 3 13 if ($html_or->tag eq 'perl' and not $html_or->attr('inline'))
633 0 10 if ($WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder::WEBDYNE_CONTENT_TYPE_HTML_META)