Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 26 76.9

line true false branch
38 2 1 if $$route{'post'}
39 2 1 if $$route{'get'}
40 1 2 if $$route{'any'}
46 3 3 if $$route{$_}
53 1 0 ref $caller_package ? :
63 1 2 if $$options{'prefix'} and not $funcname =~ /^@{[$$options{'prefix'}];}/
64 0 2 if $$options{'regexp'} and not $funcname =~ /$$options{'regexp'}/
65 0 2 unless defined &$b
68 2 0 if $$options{'prefix'}
83 1 3 if $ret
86 2 1 if $ret
89 0 1 if $ret
91 1 0 if $self->fallback