Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 26 92.3

line true false branch
192 2 8 unless $args{'team_id'} and length $args{'team_id'} == 10
198 3 3 unless ($args{'key'})
199 1 2 unless $args{'key_file'}
200 1 1 unless open my $fh, "<", $args{'key_file'}
219 0 3 if $self->{'curl'}
221 2 1 if ($resp->is_success) { }
235 2 6 unless defined $args{'lat'} and abs $args{'lat'} <= 90
238 2 4 unless defined $args{'lon'} and abs $args{'lon'} <= 180
243 2 1 unless ($self->{'curl'} or $self->{'ua'})
260 4 4 if not $args{'exp'} and $self->{'jwt_exp'} and $self->{'jwt_exp'} >= time + 600
290 0 3 unless $ua
305 1 5 if $params
314 1 1 unless $json