Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 27 51.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
13 1 2 1 exists $self{'input_file'} and exists $self{'input_text'}
111 0 0 4 $storm_number and $storm_year
0 0 4 $storm_number and $storm_year and $storm_basin

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
13 3 1 1 exists $self{'input_file'} || exists $self{'input_text'}
1 1 3 not exists $self{'input_file'} || exists $self{'input_text'} or exists $self{'input_file'} and exists $self{'input_text'}
1 1 2 not exists $self{'input_file'} || exists $self{'input_text'} or exists $self{'input_file'} and exists $self{'input_text'} or not exists $self{'output_file'}
169 0 0 0 $tmp[0] eq "TROPICAL" or $tmp[0] eq "SUBTROPICAL"
0 0 0 $tmp[0] eq "TROPICAL" or $tmp[0] eq "SUBTROPICAL" or $tmp[0] eq "REMNANTS"
0 0 0 $tmp[0] eq "TROPICAL" or $tmp[0] eq "SUBTROPICAL" or $tmp[0] eq "REMNANTS" or $tmp[0] eq "POST-TROPICAL"