Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 60 81.6

line true false branch
119 2 17 unless my $user = shift()
124 4 13 $user =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
149 13 5 if (@_)
174 0 6 if $@
175 0 6 unless $request and $content
176 0 6 if $content =~ /500 Can't connect/
191 3 3 if $users{$uid}
209 6 74870 if $user eq $users{$uid}
228 0 1 unless %entries
235 1 29 unless --$limit > 0
255 3 4 unless $uid and $user
258 0 4 unless $content
261 0 4 unless $link
264 0 4 unless $content
271 1 3 if ($$self{'debug'})
292 0 4 if ($$self{'debug'} and scalar keys %entries == 0)
300 0 15 if (scalar keys %{$$self{'_entryhash'};} == 0)
321 2 4 if $hash{'ascending'}
322 2 4 if $hash{'descending'}
330 6 0 $$self{$key} ? :
347 2 4 if $hash{'ascending'}
348 2 4 if $hash{'descending'}
356 6 0 $$self{$key} ? :
397 2 4 ref $title eq 'Regexp' ? :
401 41 74 if $regex and not $entries{$_}->subject =~ /$title/
402 71 3 if not $regex and index($entries{$_}->subject, $title) == -1
433 5 2 if (defined $_[0])
451 2 6 if $hash{'clear'}
452 3 5 if $hash{'mess'}
453 5 3 if @_