Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
45 1 29 if exists $self->url->{$id}
47 29 0 unless $params
52 1 28 if ($self->fatal and $self->count > $LIMIT_URL_COUNT)
62 0 2 unless exists $self->url->{$id}
65 4 4 if exists $$params{$key}
80 1 11 if ($self->fatal and length $xml > $LIMIT_URL_SIZE)
90 6 5 if (not $file) { }
3 2 elsif (my $re = ref $file) { }
94 1 2 if ($re eq 'GLOB') { }
110 1 1 if ($file =~ /\.gz$/i) { }
118 0 2 unless $fh
135 22 50 if (my $value = $self->url->{$id}{$key})