Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 18 77.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
30 2 0 7 $idx > 0 and &blessed($exp)
2 0 7 $idx > 0 and &blessed($exp) and $exp->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Exception::Control')
31 0 4 5 &blessed($exp) and $exp->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Exception::Control::Pause')
38 379 0 40 int grep({not $self->is_processed($_);} @ops) > 0 and $action eq 'optimize'
41 85 71 3 &blessed($_) && $_->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Operator::Concatenate')
62 21 9 120 defined $_ and $_ ne ''